top of page is your new crime debt free Gods utopia

EVOTE.ONE - Deliver the most simple common sense 8 new Decision making commandments below directly TO top news media, TO all churches, TO all corporate Executives, TO all Government integrity officials and be PAID in CASH and Jobs for joining peacemaking revolutionaries mega Billionaires.


For 2024 Elections, for President of the USA, everyone write IN:


We constant demand audience with PRESS, Governor Brian Kemp, Gov Roy Cooper, FBI, AG, + Washington DC


EVOTE.ONE -> FOIA.ONE = is our No Crime Utopia

1. All leaders are electronically voted IN by one general election. Reverse Multi Level Proxy by You.
2. Any Government or Corporate leader is voted OUT by majority who violates law, suspected of fraud or personal profiteering OUTSIDE their #4 pay or refusals to complete #3 below. Integrity % eVote.
3. Direct eDemocracy Post Election, All leaders electronically TOLD what to do next by evote.

4. All leaders consultant pay is electronically voted UP, same, or DOWN by the majority will of our people.  WE THE PEOPLE now fully control all decisions and WE control all our LEADERS  forever !

All leaders are now highly paid consultant Administrators ONLY, with no direct access to any taxes or ability to profiteer by controlling any of our assets or laws.  Each deserve to be protected AFTER they fearlessly serve + protect our people by tracked performance of #3. Everyone uses


Keith + Your GODs EVOTE.ONE reverses the course of our human history once WE decide NEXT best project and each of OUR leaders as only highly paid in cash as only Project Manager Consultant Problem Solving Experts at all our Government, Corporate, Spiritual, Community leader levels world wide. is your only GOD + Duncan Methods to UNIFY mankind forever use of by YOU host mediating required monthly town hall peace making problem solving town hall forums worldwide. Means YOU decide everything about everyone else by WE GODs 8.2 billion Children eliminating the worst any WarLords and CrimeLords by full transparency by we deciding WHO are violators of perfected resulting in crime debt free utopia once and forever. Who protects Keiths life today? 2024 Dec 30 based on Mrs. Universe direct election method. No Electoral college, no primaries, auto ranking includes multilevel proxy decision of no run-offs, ZERO election fraud once YOU decide NEXT best project. Then We The People collectively decide each of our Project Manager Leaders(PML) at both all Government and Corporate levels worldwide for ever. Venn Diagrams and Statistical Analysis pie charts show all public results. Each of your EVotes can be marked private or public accessible (Read Only) use of

 Updated 2024 Sept 10. Keith located NGA mountains heading back to xfer Asheville NC.

Above is our 4 page Presidential NON-political notes of WHY NO one should put all trust in ONLY one person.


Updated 2024 Sept 12. Asheville NC asking for EVERYONE to meet us in person today. Starts with Asheville Mayor Esther M, Chamber of Commerce Clark Duncan, and all local pastors + corporate executive leaders.


We constantly demand audience with Governor Brian Kemp, Gov Roy Cooper, FBI, AG, and Washington D.C.


EVOTE.ONE -> FOIA.ONE = is our No Crime Utopia

1. All leaders are electronically voted IN by one general election. Reverse Multi Level Proxy by You.
2. Any Government or Corporate leader is voted OUT by majority who violates law, suspected of fraud or personal profiteering OUTSIDE their #4 pay or refusals to complete #3 below. Integrity % eVote.
3. Direct eDemocracy Post Election, All leaders electronically TOLD what to do next by evote.

4. All leaders consultant pay is electronically voted UP, same, or DOWN by the majority will of our people.  WE THE PEOPLE now fully control all decisions and WE control all our LEADERS  forever !

All leaders are now highly paid consultant Administrators ONLY, with no direct access to any taxes or ability to profiteer by controlling any of our assets or laws.  Each deserve to be protected AFTER they fearlessly serve + protect our people by tracked performance of #3. Everyone uses


5. Anyone can run for any office in any nation if IID returns +90 Integrity ranked from SQL query on FOIA.ONE world database.

6. Proxy assignment of decisions by any individual/group. Each person has override voting privileges at any time based on IID.

7. Public can eVOTE and assume title ownership to any mall or equal public built structure even if the entire corporation is privately owned. This was the original perfected design of Socialism + Communism
8. This is retroactive justice against ANYONE who previously violated our rights to be free will Sovereign Barter citizens.  No Exceptions by Will of WE Gods People 


 Rapid use of by all YOU = individuals and any size groups was Gods universal method to reverses the course of all human history by simple total replacement of WE decide everything about everyone else at all levels of personal, family, church, Government + Business.

July 8, 2024. A cyber Criminal today, at 404-579-5615 Johns Creek/Alpharetta, Georgia sent single criminal SPAM complaint to about my own 10 man years gifts of YT Channel @CreatorKeith as THEY deleted over 700 videos tied to YOUR crime free utopia UNIocracy.  Was, Cobb County Cyber Criminal terrorist Judge Berry Victor Reynolds, and even #1 terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE.  No one can ever name a single person or entity who protects ANY of our fundamental civil rights post 2008 when ROSE promised to murder anyone holding HIS crime spree evidence... SO I have for ever. was GOD + perfected total replacement methods of real time eDemocracy when each of you decide NEXT best project, then we pick choose WHO are the highly paid in only cash project manager consultants using Keiths total fiscal transfer and replacement of all fiat

  100% real time direct eDemocracy reverses all WMD crime actions against our humanity forever. Every Single Leader now ALL Elected by WE THE PEOPLE at all Government and Corporate level are ALL treated ONLY as highly paid in cash Project Managers.

  No more appointed anyone.  Means NO more free roaming any criminal, terrorist, violators.
See perfected detail solutions + New Pay + Benefits financial methodology from GOD + Keith below.

Join NGO perfected decision control over your own communities once + forever.
  We all now decentralize ALL wealth and ALL command authority back to WE GODs People.
All NGOs. We hereby offer to sell EVOTE.ONE system to any municipality worldwide for $2 Million USD each.  Each Nation (you) pays us $1 Billion USD to replace all your voting methods for ever.
Gods single New World crime free Utopia using one Universal Voting system when everyone decides everything about each other.

  Result is total decentralization of all wealth assets and authority back to each of YOU, my most beloved Gods +8.1 Billion WE the PEOPLE.  Applied at all Government and Corporate levels, WE decide everything about everyone else using OUR very own hard earned assets as direct funding. NO more taxes or public traded anything worldwide is perfected today. 
Updated final 2024 May 15.  No one has ever protected my life OR commanded justice be served !! 22-1-3042-68 was always the most brutal public scandal terrorist sequence to kill Keith Brent Duncan while named +140 civil criminal defendants destroyed MotherEarth and all of you.

CLICK: ClearingHouse to learn how to be ONLY Peacemakers worldwide.

For now +65 years, has offered to be your new Secretary of PEACE at USA then International level to help each of YOU finally destroy all violators who threaten our very GOD focused existence. Legal use of

​ Keys to our universe are by everyone PROTECTing Keith Brent Duncans life NOW while commanding existing you, DOD, DOJ actually enforce evote.ONE + = of the following New World once and forever as GODs eternity of Heaven Utopia once WE PeaceMake and eliminate any and all violators. Only keith has all perfected solutions seen below.



 1. Paperback $10 

 2. HardCover $30 

 3. Paperback $20 

 4. Kindle $8



 5. Paperback $10

 6. KINDLE reader $8


March 2, 2024. Reality is Mafia Gangsters Mobster first family dynasties already control all your information and reality past 6660 years. All must ask is ethical Capitalism possible?  Answer NO. The unethical pursuit of profit at the expense of all others is never acceptable. We live in a globalized hyper-Internet-connected instant world. A Billion of WE the People live on less than 1$ USD per day. Our old ancient free market system designed to create wealth for all 8 BILLION of WE GODS people has been fully perverted, exploited, manipulated by named Criminal Ruling Elite to create unparalleled inequality of HAVES versus HAVE NOTs.  GOD and Keith never intended for anyone to strike fear into any other by causing Wars, Mass Poverty, cyber terrorist Attacks, and all other ways and means to depopulate all of you as only remaining slave traded workers who are the last protein source once and are destroyed by #1 terrorist Robert DEE ROSE and others who violate started by my new crime free Utopia by YOUR direct use of the following 8 total replacement Commandment laws as perfectly defined and gifted by Duncan. WHO direct contacts us NOW?


EVOTE.ONE -> FOIA.ONE = is our No Crime Utopia

1. All leaders are electronically voted IN by one general election. All vote total counts are PUBLIC viewable directly over the Internet. Never again any election fraud, Primaries, wars, taxes.
2. Any Government or Corporate leader is voted OUT by majority who violates law, suspected of fraud or personal profiteering OUTSIDE their #4 pay or refusals to complete #3 below.  Each are replaced by succession runner-ups, NEVER by appointments or re-election process controlled by the old Ruling Elite or old named party control.
3. Direct eDemocracy Post Election, All leaders electronically TOLD what to do next by evote.

4. All leaders consultant pay is electronically voted UP, same, or DOWN by the majority will of our people. All leaders are now highly paid consultant Administrators ONLY, with no direct access to any taxes or ability to profiteer by controlling any of our assets or laws.  Each deserve to be protected AFTER they fearlessly serve + protect our people by tracked performance of #3. Everyone uses
5. Anyone can run for any office in any nation if IID returns +90 Integrity ranked from SQL query on FOIA.ONE world database.
6. Proxy assignment of decisions by any individual/group. Each person has override voting privileges at any time based on IID.
7. Public can eVOTE and assume title ownership to any mall or equal public built structure even if the entire corpor
ation is privately owned. This was the original perfected design of Socialism + Communism

8. This is retroactive justice against ANYONE who previously violated our rights to be free will Sovereign Barter citizens.


All of these 8 By-Pass Constitutional laws are irrevocable and irrefutable baseline for all humanity. This is Enforced Integrity.

  Our mutual entire world assets are now under YOUR total control of OUR

    By simple Will of Majority of WE the eVote Free Will Sovereign People, any person or group can pass judgment on anyone else once all evidence is show in OPEN FORUM COURT of for everyone else to see who is linked to organized crime or Honest groups.These are the legally binding and enforced contracts between any two parties including with Political and   Corporate leaders at levels.  These are the only ratified legal methods to stabilize all economies by returning control and ownership of all assets back to each community.

   GO ANSWER Gods 5 Prime Questions PURPOSE of YOUR LIFE top of is GOD + Keith + your ONLY simple perfected method to Decide Your Next Best Project then YOU decide who are the highly paid in only cash leaders worldwide. Means no one can ever decide your reality and near term destiny fate.  As of 2024 Jan 8, absolutely NO ONE has any working solutions for each of YOU to eliminate the War Lords and Crime Lords who already control all of GODs assets, OUR databases, and our work efforts as Slave Masters from 6660 years ago ancient Egypt.
  Call us direct: +1 828-501-6450. Visionary Strategist Tamara Mock.  New Third best contact # is Washington D.C. Directly GO to everyone NOW and command Keith's Life be protected against ONLY Robert Dee ROSE as all others we have perfected debriefed will be known as ONLY Lucifer Worshipers.
  GO ANSWER Gods 5 Prime Questions PURPOSE of YOUR LIFE top of

WHO DO YOU KNOW to protect Keiths life and command we GO back on National News right now....
Keith currently gifting $40 Millions USD Hendersonville/Asheville NC + you, Was Washington D.C. Jan 4 to Friday, Jan 25. Anyone can contact + hire us past 46 professional years and be rewarded with profits. by YOUR direct action finally destroys any Government Corporate Executive Leader by WE remove their authority and replace any Violator with our next best choice ONLY project manager problem solver.

 This perfected by YOUR universal common use now reverses the course of OUR human history ONCE and Forever until end of GODs Eternity. This alone UNIFIES +8 Billion WE the PEOPLE forever. Debrief us NOW since named terrorists like ROSE have been cyber attacking stalking us post Jan 15, 2008.

1. We vote on Who is the new NEXT Project Manager using FOIA.ONE as worlds last open public shared database of everything.

2. We vote OUT any person who refuses to complete #3 projects.  multilevel assigned reported tracked proxy system ensures all decisions are made using 5Steps.LIFE agreements that benefit everyone while null and voiding all previous laws and related legally binding agreements.

3. We vote on the NEXT best project by majority deciding on our NEXT best local issue, problem, project, and petition using our assets, times, and tax money. now occurs monthly.

4. We vote UP, DOWN, or same the cash paid to each leader. No more Stock Options, Exec Perks again.

CLICK: ClearingHouse to learn how to be ONLY Peacemakers worldwide.

  Since Keith Duncan was sent by GOD alone, I have already turned over all violators and announced I (+ few others) ARE already your new world universal Leaders OverSeers. Never was about your money or command control over everyone like YOU always have been brainwashed to THINK you are False Deity Gods at all levels. We call you LUCIFERs.
  Who DO you actually KNOW today to put us BACK on national news media to announce all ways and means to perfectly UNIFY all +8 Billion of WE GODS people.
 Updated 2023 Oct 3 after re-delivering everything again and again even TODAY.

  Each and every voting system worldwide is being change hacked as our single votes are never 100% re-countable once the Criminal Ruling Elite detach our single vote record into their final tally bucket. is now our single total replacement decision making system to unify +8 Billion WE the PEOPLE as only PeaceMaking PromiseKeepers use of GOD + Keiths 8 replacement Constitutional laws of once and forever. -Repeat. Keiths universe changes course of all human history by Replacing ALL known voting and decision making systems with ONE set of Constitutional Laws of Never again can anyone change or forge YOUR decision vote as we also incorporate the proxy multi level methods of ensuring the WILL of WE THE PEOPLE is completed. sells the use of patent (tm) registered for $10 per each new voter. ~ 158 M Americans vote = $1.58B earnings for Keith Brent Duncan. Worldwide sales will be over $20 Billion USD.
  The only requirements as of 2023 Oct 30 are:
1. You enter register your Photo, Nation of birth # and your Date of Birth. You will be assigned a sequential number to create your un-replaceable un-hackable IID of FOIA.ONE.
  Everyone else now votes on your integrity rating so everyone else knows who to trust.
2. You personally sign pledge you will host mediate forums.
3. You agree to use to build your very own self sustainable ecology conservation community free of criminal influencers by adhering to 
4. You agree to no longer Steal, Lie, Coverup any violation, or Recruit other criminals. This is done by Peace Making collectively cooperatively collaborating with everyone you know and meet. You become an automatic peer member of and Optional is joining and is great way to learn how to be your own Sovereign person.
5. You agree to go back and confess your violations to any person you have harmed and mediate negotiate how much restitution is required to ask the other for forgiveness in writing. Then deposit your transactions into FOIA.ONE for others to see your results.
6. You agree to legally report any violator to your local community leaders and pastors.
7. You decide how to live a moral family value life to the end of your mortal days.
8. You decide NEXT project to benefit others, then yourself recursively forever using Gods + keiths Generator

  Clearly patents and net assets valued over $40 Billion USD other solutions and has never been featured on ANY news show post Oct 3, 2011 kidnappings.
Our entire world now goes back to only ONE Popular vote election with NO primaries, No political $$ Parties, NO run-offs, no cast-outs, + NO campaign contributions or Lobbyists. now drives OUR crime free UTOPIA of Heaven as GOD procreated us in the first place.]

Only by protecting the life of and commanding all criminals be isolated and preserved if they refuse to turn themselves in and confess their crimes + payback to their victims will be reversed forever by fast path rapid deployment of all other +164 perfected solutions Keith left behind.

​​ Keys to our universe are by everyone PROTECTing Keith Brent Duncans life NOW while commanding existing you, DOD, DOJ actually enforce evote.ONE + = of the following New World once and forever as GODs eternity of Heaven Utopia once WE PeaceMake and eliminate any and all violators. Only keith has all perfected solutions seen below. $40 Billion USD portfolio of only World Saving solutions we are selling off to the other Fortune1000 Corporate Executives including each of you now 8 billion we the people UNIFIED forever.


#1 Best Seller Universal Stabilizer in all of Gods World history here:

ORDER: ISBNs online.

 1. Paperback $10 

 2. HardCover $30 

 3. Paperback $20  9798394156342

 4. Kindle $8



 5. Paperback $20 9798392457397

 6. KINDLE reader $8

EVOTE.ONE  100% real time eDemocracy showcased below was always GOD + YOUR simple open public tribal proxy system of WE decide NEXT BEST project and WE PICK who is the highly paid in only cash Leader known as Project Manager consultant. WHO DO YOU KNOW to protect keith duncans life NOW! and meet us in person by host mediating staging town hall problem solving forums NOW !


   These simple GODs total revolutionary simple Four-Eight complete perfected replacement Commandment Constitutional Universal laws of change the course of our human legacy history forever once WE decide to take full control of OUR assets and WE PICK all leaders worldwide.

No exceptions to this KISS ancient technology method sent by GOD through brent duncan.

Everything we perfected generated by using GODs paper/video/audio problem solving methods.


1. We vote on Who is the new NEXT Project Manager using FOIA.ONE as worlds last open public shared database of everything.

2. We vote OUT any person who refuses to complete #3 projects.  multilevel assigned reported tracked proxy system ensures all decisions are made using 5Steps.LIFE agreements that benefit everyone while null and voiding all previous laws and related legally binding agreements.

3. We vote on the NEXT best project by majority deciding on our NEXT best local issue, problem, project, and petition using our assets, times, and tax money. occurs monthly.

4. We vote UP, DOWN, or same the cash paid to each leader. This includes WE control all decisions and pay of all our Corporate Executives worldwide. We Null and Void all Stock Options, Campaign Contributors, all special interest group lobbyists, and destroy all legal and criminal embezzlement of our assets and funds.

  Four more comprehensive perfected retro-active requirement replacement laws are showcased here.

  Worst crimes of WMD of heresy hearsay are eliminated by ACTION of WE GODs people


Most Critical Caveat: No more Leader special benefits at any level. Every treated as only Project Managers at all levels of OUR crime free society forever.


5.  Anyone can run for any office in any nation if FOIA.ONE IID +90 Integrity ranked on FOIA.ONE world database.

ALL of these 5 By-Pass Constitutional laws are irrevocable and irrefutable base of

6. Proxy assignment of decisions by any individual.  Now the lowest class are at the top of the tree structure with the leaders at the bottom of the decision funnel.  Any person can assign their voting rights to another person or group. The Proxy is linked by each International IID of   If the proxy votes contrary to the original persons choice, the person or group can over-ride and recast their eVote at any real time.


7. Public can eVOTE and assume title ownership to any mall or equal public built structure even if the entire corporation is privately owned. Boycott, selling off your stock, change jobs (recruit and work for us), pulling your cash out of our banks, and commanding to see OUR General Ledger books and trade deal history are always the key ways to eliminate any Corporate Executives who always take 30 to 75% of all our First Profits.

8. This is retroactive justice against ANYONE who previously violated our rights to be free will citizens.

  Our work was completed 12, 46 years ago stating the exact same New World System ...

EVOTE.ONE sent by GOD through Keith Duncan is the ONLY simple complete economic replacement voting decision making system composed of 8 new world legally binding covenant contract laws.  This alone procreates our new no crime world of God + use of store and forward open public database using perfected simple KISS to deny transfer of any assets unless authorized by all impacted entities. No more political parties, no taxes, no crime, no wars, no underground criminal networks can exist once each of YOU take required ACTION by fast path deploy of most simple technology perfected methods to benefit each of you as ONLY middle class.

   No more megaBillionaires, NO poverty, crime, homeless, sick, hungry, refugees, or others who are always preyed upon by psychotic damaged people most know collectively as Criminal Ruling Elite. No more stock options or Wall Street public traded stock (our nest-eggs) once 3 steps is your to protect our hard earned and title ownership of our assets and only positive net worth shared with everyone. MLM Ponzi schemes criminally created 5550 years ago by elite who always control each of you.

  Final Update: 2023May10 No more self serving political appointments ever again. Includes WE choose by WIll of Majority who are the Church Leaders, the POPE, Bishops, Cardinals, even the Police Chief, the city manager and any and all other LEADERS now required to LEAD we the people, or be replaced #2 below.  All of our perfected complete perfected technology methods were destroyed by +120 named criminals and terrorists at world #1 public scandal press conferences generated by  is WE GODS people total universal perfected control OVER ALL our leaders at both all Government and all Corporate Executive levels.  WE the PEOPLE now collective cooperate collaborate decide the NEXT best project to benefit ourselves at all levels.  Below show the total legal PeaceMaking required joint destruction of anyone who causes WARS and all mass poverty who steal OUR assets and manipulate steal OUR trade information databases, once and forever.
  ODD how 99% of mortals are so devils advocate self serving instant gratification called Devils Advocate of predatory Greed sin, vice, crimes against self humanity.  We all solve ALL world problems using GODs generator of all issues cross referenced PDF file below. 2023Feb08.
  If a single person can find any issue we have not already solved, prevented, reversed, we offer you $10,000 USD to provide a better BEST SOLUTION using to recursively confirm your answers. used by YOU universally now changes course of entire human history once YOU each decide NEXT best local infrastructure project and YOU proxy pick WHO are the best problem solving paid in cash Leaders.

Every single Leader at Gov and Corporate level is treated ONLY as highly paid in cash Project Managers. 

All of our perfected systems decentralize ALL wealth and ALL authority back to each of our communities.


  The ONLY value of any leader is they have supporting followers. Otherwise WE the PEOPLE replace 'them' with someone better Problem Solving Project manager consultant at all levels of BOTH Government and corporate Executives. WE identify any violator (corrupt person), and hold them fully accountable for their previous civil and criminal actions against WE the PEOPLE. The 'government' defined as WE GODS people. is GODs simple paper video audio based exercise of solving preventing reversing any issue forever by changing the cause and effect decision making matrix methods we perfected even back 1976Aug15 when we arrived NCSU Raleigh NC as top world problem solving computer philosopher world experts.


   Once a month, each of you collectively vote choose your next best infrastructure Project + WHO are our leaders at all levels forever using GODs original your Town Hall Forums of revolutionary peace making data driven Tax free, NO criminal legalized embezzlement of stock options + any Corp Perks. GREED is now outlawed by action of WE GODs people taking action to overthrow ALL criminals.

We GODS People real time actively decide WHO are our best world corporate + government leaders.

We collective cooperatively decide the NEXT best local project and judgment fate over everyone else. Four simple Constitutional Universal Laws replace ALL known vote make decision systems.

We Gods People command NEXT best project and investments and use of our bank and stock resources.

No more Stock Options, public traded stocks, no taxes, no corrupt leader can exist use of our FOIA.ONE.

CLICK HERE to see Master Home Page GODs reality self salvation use of GODs forever.


Refreshed 2022Dec25.  On Tuesday Dec 27 7-9pm, Join us here: Atlanta Podcasting + Introverts to Extroverts Meet and Greet Group. Hudson Grill Sandy Springs 6317 Roswell Rd, Georgia about 1 mile north of I 285 on Right. Invite everyone to teach all others how to reverse current 100% corrupt all systems using, then all other perfected simple methods GOD sent us to master re-education teach to de-program the 8 billion persons who have been brainwashed by criminal ruling elite past 5550 years shown by our other master professors of GivingPledge.SPACE mega billionaires now converted to only spenders and mentors of our young WE GENERATION of only small biz owners worldwide and ONLY credit unions of using original patent is #1192 series on BuiltByKeith. We have left behind everything to decentralize all our wealth assets and THEIR chain of command authority BACK to we GODS people at all levels.  Help us with final viral social media mass publicity to get us back on national news press conferences.  Includes everyone call direct 404-897-6297, news desk 404-897-7500

We have no other world saving solution to re broadcast.  Everything generated by Gods forever use of is  Our $40 billion USD NGO corporations are the worlds last overseers over all Governments and all corporate executives focus is board of directors use of our stock options not made illegal by by will of we GODs people the original

Go study and how to meet and greet new peer business clients and partners of enforced ethics and integrity.  Keith Duncan +1 770-377-2106 CEO new world leader of everyone.

  CLICK HERE to see Master Home Page eVOTE.ONE GODs reality.


  Nov 8, 2022 Election NON-DAY. While rest of all mortals have been sleeping, slave trading, conning each other, literally causing all wars and mass poverty, I have been resurrecting and perfecting all solutions to unify 8 billion people once and forever.   Includes PURCHASE of *.US *.biz to replace soon expired that would be $30 / year.  Current count is 119 GODs solution level broadcasts showcased forever as how to eliminate ANY and ALL VIOLATORS of OUR human bill of rights  *.com


  EVOTE.ONE now replaces All known forms of governments and corporations worldwide by Will of WE GODS People deciding NEXT best Project and WHO is each of OUR Project Managers. No exceptions !


 Each of us now totally govern and control manage own our very own community all resources. No more privately held corporate wealth family dynasty oligarchs who think they can reign supreme over all of US. No more taxes, No more secret vice, sin, criminal deals. No more hiding OUR Corporate General ledger and trade record journals from those of us who actually PAY and Invest in OUR banks, OUR Corporations, OUR real estate investments. Includes total replacement of all known forms of governments with that was original we personally perfected published copyrighted 1958, 1976, 2008 to brutal kidnapped Oct 3, 2011at Writ of Mandamus that was also the criminal target of first only ROBERT DEE ROSE, then everyone else who persecutes and enslaves each of you.


  As a rare GOD Sent INSIDER, each of YOU must personally mass publicity EVOTE.ONE to change the course of human history forever.  Basic is WE GODS people always pick NEXT best PROJECT and WE decide WHO is the top problem solving PROJECT MANAGER.  Totally destroys any violator of OUR human rights who claim THEY are the ONLY ONES to decide OUR FATE and DESTINY using and


  Once ALL publicly traded corporations are devoid of our investment funds and support, the first families worldwide collapse and are impoverished, even homeless caused by YOUR actions of staged coups.


  Everyone now commanded to decentralize themselves and homestead using Keiths

​ is Keith Duncan +1 770 377 2106.  Now located in Asheville NC as world famous $40 Mega Billion USD valued multiNational enterprises of funded GOD's basic simple direct funding 200 to 300 new EDUCATION and Technology Foundations staffed by YOU our most beloved GODS people forever. Offices now co-located Biltmore Estate, theRev. Billy Graham Cove and all other spiritual led organizations worldwide.

   JOIN us NOW and  immediate OWN Control Manage all first Profits of your own Corporation enterprises.

   Everyone BENEFITS using GODs methods  by Keith Brent Duncan

 CLICK HERE to go to original GODs EVOTE.ONE revolutionary simple methodology.


EVOTE.ONE  These simple GODs four complete perfected replacement Commandment Constitutional Universal laws of change the course of our human legacy history forever:


1. We vote on Who is the new NEXT Project Manager using FOIA.ONE as worlds last open public shared database of everything.

2. We vote OUT any person who refuses to complete #3 projects.  multilevel assigned reported tracked proxy system ensures all decisions are made using 5Steps.LIFE agreements that benefit everyone while null and voiding all previous laws and related legally binding agreements.

3. We vote on the NEXT best project by majority deciding on our NEXT best local issue, problem, project, and petition using our assets, times, and tax money. occurs monthly.

4. We vote UP, DOWN, or same the cash paid to each leader. This includes WE control all decisions and pay of all our Corporate Executives worldwide. We Null and Void all Stock Options, Campaign Contributors, all special interest group lobbyists, and destroy all legal and criminal embezzlement of our assets and funds.


  EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE = is was always GODs only system of WE GODs people decide ALL projects and management of OUR assets. WE now make all decisions benefiting our local community infrastructure by direct treating each and every leader as a highly paid in only CASH Project Manager at all levels of Government, Banking, our Corporations now totally privatized by direct ACTION of WE GODs people.  Now everyone uses GOD + KEITHS perfected technology and methodology to collectively CHOOSE each and every leader modeled after Will of Majority choice of Ms. Universe pageantry. No more PACS, political party TICKS and warlords using our assets as campaign contributions so NO ONE has a clue WHO controls OUR data, assets, and souls.

   No more WARS at any level or cyber scam terrorists will ever exist again once each of you host mediate Town Hall Forums of using by hiring Keiths Board of Director Trustee Guardian Angel protector mega Philanthropists of and actually USE our most simple consultant host mediating services of Updated 2022Sept 21


  EVOTE.ONE was GODs 100% real time direct eDemocracy system when WE decide Next Best Project and WHO are all the Leaders forever. +75% of the wealthy elite are now retired by direct action of and No more violators of our GOD + your human rights ever again. Open Public no secret shared database FOIA.ONE is now store + forward everything as one degree of separation between all mortals and all eDevices means all violators will be immediately punished using and enforced rights.

 Sept 26, 2011  Day AFTER I delivered to Langley AirForce Base the only single GODs world saving was PEER to PEER one degree of separation between all mortals and ALL eDEVICES of WHO Protects KEITH DUNCAN Now as I go BACK to GOVERNOR KEMPS office then PeachTree Corners Technology forum with my old friend Mayor Mike Mason. +1 770-377-2106 UNIocracy.

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