eVote.One (c)(r)(tm)Patent 100% our most Dynamic Direct eDemocracy Self Saves All Humans Forever.
Selling Evote.one perfected God's design for $1 Million USD per population of 1 Million persons worldwide.
One time revenue earnings is $8.2 Billion USD. Other sell offs are valued over $40 Billion USD gifts to you.
UniverseONE.org benefits all as No Crime Utopia of GodsOneWorld.org forever.
Chief Visionary Strategist was Tom Haag +1 828-620-7544 DrKeith.org +1 725-200-7683
Join US support protect today! SolutionDrugs.com PeaceSummit2020.com #1 Forum Consultant our Leaders.
Worldwide, NEVER again a single VOTE of election Fraud at any level using replacement method below
HOW WE DECIDE is the basics of WE procreate No Crime Utopia of GODs UNIocracy.org forever.
Universally, WE THE PEOPLE now decide NEXT Project and WE Pick who are ALL our Leaders ! !
Protect Keith +1 770-377-2106 today. Total Destruction of MotherEarth occurs caused by Criminal Ruling Elite starting with #1 Terrorist Robert Dee ROSE at DuncanClaim.org $500 Million USD !
FOIA.ONE Singular A.I. Database Unification Broadcast Evangelist Crusader Teams.
FortuneONE.org is procreated total replacement direct eDemocracy vote decision making systems of EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE = UNIocracy.org Always was GODs only system of WE GODs people decide ALL projects and management of OUR assets. WE GODs people use GOD + KEITHS technology to collectively CHOOSE each and every leader. No more WARS at any level or cyber scam terrorists will ever exist again once each of you host mediate Town Hall Forums of PeaceSUMMIT2020.com using KeithsRulesOfOrder.com by hiring Keiths Board of Director Trustee Guardian Angel protector mega Philanthropists of:
FortuneONE.org CreatorKeith.com and actually USE our most simple consultant host mediating services BIDonKeith.com Updated 2022Sept21host mediated by most humble sent by GOD keith brent duncan.
These GODs four simple complete perfected replacement Commandment Constitutional Universal laws of:
1. We vote on Who is the new NEXT Project Manager using FOIA.ONE as worlds last open public shared database of everything.
2. We vote OUT any person who refuses to complete #3 projects. KeithsRulesOfOrder.com multilevel assigned reported tracked proxy system ensures all decisions are made using 5Steps.LIFE agreements that benefit everyone while null and voiding all previous laws and related legally binding agreements.
3. We vote on the NEXT best project by majority deciding on our NEXT best local issue, problem, project, and petition using our assets, times, and tax money. PeaceSummit2020.com occurs monthly.
4. We vote UP, DOWN, or same the cash paid to each leader. This includes WE control all decisions and pay of all our Corporate Executives worldwide. We Null and Void all Stock Options, Campaign Contributors, all special interest group lobbyists, and destroy all legal and criminal embezzlement of our assets and funds.
EVOTE.ONE was GODs 100% real time direct eDemocracy system when WE decide Next Best Project and WHO are all the Leaders forever. +75% of the wealthy elite are now retired by direct action of ProfitShareHOLDers.com and ReInvestALL.com. No more violators of our GOD + your human rights ever again. Open Public no secret shared database FOIA.ONE is now store + forward everything as one degree of separation between all mortals and all eDevices means all violators will be immediately punished using SolutionJudge.com and SolutionManifesto.com enforced rights.
Sept 26, 2011 Youtu.be/f_4gTCRBoUc Day AFTER I delivered to Langley AirForce Base the only single GODs world saving SolutionMILITARY.com was Youtube.com/user/IseeStand/videos PEER to PEER one degree of separation between all mortals and ALL eDEVICES of TurnOffLights.com WHO Protects KEITH DUNCAN Now as I go BACK to GOVERNOR KEMPS office then PeachTree Corners Technology forum with my old friend Mayor Mike Mason. +1 770-377-2106 UNIocracy.
EVOTE.one was GODs simple common sense method of each of you 100% real time direct eDemocracy collectively choosing the NEX best project and then by majority eVote of Will of Majority, deciding who is the best highly paid in cash Project Manager starting at Mayor level all the way to Commander in Chief and Congress including Federal Judges and Supreme Court Justices. By simple definition, any leader is always told what to do by WE GODS people and not the current criminal evil Multi Level Chain of Slave Commands known as MLM Charles Ponzi scheme of only the elite criminal rulers can decide your false reality and near term destiny fate.
These GODs four simple complete perfected replacement Commandment Constitutional Universal laws of:
1. We vote on Who is the new NEXT Project Manager using FOIA.ONE as worlds last open public shared database of everything.
2. We vote OUT any person who refuses to complete #3 projects. KeithsRulesOfOrder.com multilevel assigned reported tracked proxy system ensures all decisions are made using 5Steps.LIFE agreements that benefit everyone while null and voiding all previous laws and related legally binding agreements.
3. We vote on the NEXT best project by majority deciding on our NEXT best local issue, problem, project, and petition using our assets, times, and tax money. PeaceSummit2020.com occurs monthly.
4. We vote UP, DOWN, or same the cash paid to each leader. This includes WE control all decisions and pay of all our Corporate Executives worldwide. We Null and Void all Stock Options, Campaign Contributors, all special interest group lobbists, and destroy all legal and criminal embezzlement of our assets and funds.
Each of these most simple solutions totally change the course of our human mortal legacy heritage history by WE GODS people now learning how to share collectively, cooperatively, and collaberatively everything our mutual Creator GOD and Mother Earth have provided since the dawn of civilized mankind.
WHO do you know to immediately protect the life, assets, and intellectual property of most humble powerful procreator of UNIocracy.org as clearly we were sent by GOD on FOIA.ONE IID 1-19580815-1 to be worlds last most impoverished Trillionaire?
Keith and each of you now gifts 100% back to greatest places of your mortal needs forever so Keith can soon return to heaven as my Father GOD has been requesting Earthlings be destroyed by their very own self serving genocide greed post Oct 6, 2007. This is date that most extreme super criminal LUCIFER Robert Dee ROSE pleaded with Keith Brent Duncan to run all aspects of his super cyber attack muder for hire conspiracy operations known as HomeWaves.com INC Cumming GA that is 100% direct linked to organized ClearCollarCrime.com BIllionaires and mega millionaires.
These named super criminals include the currenrt Russian Billlionaires, many of our world Banksters and Stock Market stick brokers, all bitcoin and MLM scammers, and most ruthless warlords who happen to be many of our Military and Corporate Executives who hide from you and KEITHS new world anti all crime special forces of you and SolutionMilitary.com.
EVOTE.ONE Now, You each change the course of your own current reality and determine your very own destiny fate once and forever ! ! ! ! Keith was sent by GOD, most humble ProphetKeith.com Duncan of High Point NC, Norcross GA USA has already shown fast-path GODs methods to destroy the Criminal Ruling Elite forever use of below. Keith Duncan is already the most world famous celebrity scientist researcher of all expertise in human history for the publish showcased works of how you each transfer over $500 TRILLION USD back to your local communitys and greatest places of mortal needs overseas.
The greatest threats to GODs world is both underground criminal enterprises and super elite wealthy corporate Executives who use OUR Corporate By-Laws to control run pervert OUR political systems by always making laws to isolate protect the 'first family dynasties'.
All world basic MLM and Charles Ponzi scheme criminal enterprises are known as Chain of Command are beyond BROKEN and PERVERT Manipulated. QUOTE: "Does the President have plenary power? Answer: In this capacity, the president may exercise supreme operational command and control over all military forces, and has plenary power to launch, direct and supervise military operations, order or authorize the deployment of troops, unilaterally launch nuclear weapons, and form military policy with the Department of Defense and Dept of Justice, etc".
God and Keith's Best Economic model diagram is 5Steps.life inverted Christmas Tree. Each of you are the 'southern star'. The branches above are your multi-level decision proxy system as everyone now focuses on the root solution at the top of the compressed 'short tree' The widest branches at the top are the worlds most deserving meek and mild.
God + Keiths system below includes the rebuild of 3rd world Nations with Appalacian Mountains Quote: "... with nearly half of its residents engaged in agriculture, mining, and heavy industry. Slightly over 40 percent of Appalachia's population of over 24 million residents is rural.."
All of the worlds most poverty stricken communities are caused by Drug /GUN /Politicians /Human sex Trafficing run by international terrorists like PUTIN, Bernie Madoffs, Russian Billionaires and most ruthless terrorists:
Douglas Vernon Duncan, Robert Dee ROSE with direct ties to GBI Director Berry Victor Reynolds and Sally Q Yates at SYates@kslaw.com and Federal Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 Judge Raymond T Jackson multi-level conspiracies to murder Keith Duncan and all his lawyers and family members who personally knew Keith was being cyber hacked and robbed at all levels of SAME GODs system we have personally ressurrected past 15, even 46 manyears of fulltime representing all of your best interests.
Below is the most perfected complete GOD + Keiths replacement open public voting system of FOUR new world Constitutional laws of real time dynamic voting decision making that destroys ALL Politics, ALL taxes, ALL commodity traded stocks, ALL crime enterprise conspiracies once and forever.
EACH of YOU BENEFIT FOREVER once you finally realize YOU are fully empowered to pick ANY of our leaders at any level and YOU decide collectively your NEXT best infrastructure local community project.
FOIA.one is worlds Last OPEN PUBLIC, write once, read open public database using SolutionBankFraud.com to protect your votes at all levels. Includes use of proxy reverse decision making tree system of 5Steps.life so you can assign a series of representatives. Each time your proxy tree votes upstream to the final decision of What Prject and WHO is the highly paid in cash Project Manager, you get a data message so you can agree or override with a different decision. Anytime, you can change who is your next level of proxy representative at local community level.
YOU each are fully empowered to TAKE FULL SCALE ACTION by staging COUPs and eliminating any violator of GODs commandments and existing laws. Then we each vote to eliminate any man-made laws and regulations that only benefit the elite and criminal spider cyber networks. Always easy for WE GODs People to null and void all man made laws that were always the 6000 year old LuciferAgenda.com cyber Crimes. These are all Perfected systems.
SolutionManifesto.com is now our own single universal Constitution Laws as we the people now govern ourselves. Three Sections of Evote.one, 11 Gods Commandments, and ratified Human GOD Bill of Rights.
EVOTE.ONE replaces all known voting decision making systems 4 New World Constitution Enforced laws.
All the NO People Always MISS OUT on solve preventing their very own local issues. Known as hypocrits, cynics, blinded fools, racists, bigots, and criminal brood of serpent vipers known as Deep State, NWO, PolyTICKs, and underground criminal networks. Never again can anyone violate our rights to be free independant citizens who all join UNIocracy.org and CreatorKeith.com while host mediating required GODs PeaceSummit2020.com
Any objectors must use 5Steps.life and publish discuss why their solutions are better than GODs.
EVOTE.ONE was GODs simple engineered technology solution to rid our world of all criminals at all levels NOW. WE GODs people always had the real-time authority and power to choose WHO are any of our leaders. WE always have the power to PICK the next best local infrastructure project of Free Education Schools, Community shared Education Worship Centers, free energy systems of TurnOffLIGHTS.com SolutionSafeWater.org FreeNuclear.org.
Everyone has a human civil right duty to earn as you go, pay cash for everything, build our own homes and small businesses without being on the Captain HOOK of the most corrupt cyber bankSters and Stock market brokers of all time led by Robert Dee ROSE, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, President Putin, CCP 205 old billionaire Farts + NKorea boy tryant who murders thousands on a whim of OH HE is in control of GODs people. UNIocracy.org is YOUR new free of all crime societies decentralized so you decide how to act with fearless authority to protect the rights of all others.
Most powerful FINAL due process of law was SolutionManifesto.com ONE new world Constitution covenants known as GODs due process of Law of DOSJ.org now so each of YOU legally pass judgement on anyone who violates the rights of anyone including you, your children, elders, disabled, and those who are human sex traded by sociopaths starting with Robert Dee ROSE, Ms. Bashama, GBI Director Berry Victor Reynolds, Atty Alexander Cyclone Covey, Atty Steve Dorvee, and focus on Federal Judge Raymond T Jackson of Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 multi level paper chase murder for hire conspiracies 18 USCode 1117 anyone an see was how to destroy GODs same UNIocracy.org systems that only most humble Keith Brent Duncan has resurrected so many times we perfected it forever by YOUR protecting keiths life and providing full funding and support to our Board of Directors at CreatorKeith.com at Norcross GA USA +1 770-377-2106.
NUMBER ONE issue is everyone uses LUCIFERS devil advocate con-artist MLM Ponzi scheme methods to defraud and persecute almost everyone else. The super criminal ruling elite know how to pervert your minds by their control over all national News media like CNN and FOX-news along with CCP total control over all news events that only enrich same cyber terrorists since they all claim title to our Corporations, Banks, and Trade enterprises called the DEEP STATE NWO.
WHO DO YOU KNOW right now to contact Keith and deploy all aspects of UNIOCRACY.org to reverse current holy Cost Holocaust WORLD WAR FIVE NOW !!
EVOTE.one now drives ALL world economies forever ONE new world Constitution of SolutionManifesto.com
We GODs people now outlaw NO MORE PRIVATE FAMILY CORPORATE WEALTH anywhere on GODs earth
eVOTE.one empowers each of 7.9 Billion GODs children to Dynamic Real Time decide what is the next best Infrastructure project task collective cooperative and collaberative use of KeithsRulesOfOrder.com and PeaceSummit2022.com. Each of you now decide collectively WHO is the best Project Manager that is scaled from Mayor level to Governor to Congress to Commander In Chief. We now control and manage WHO are all the corporate executives worldwide as all assets of GODs are always under our caregiver + caretaker control.
IMMEDIATELY contact most humble Gods guardian angel of light Keith Duncan and provide him and you safe haven protection sanctuary while rest of world decides their reason for self existance. You will all be paid.
GOD + Keith + YOU now stage mass COUP exile SolutionMilitary.com under our total civilian control of any and all Criminal Ruling Elite Corporate Executives worldwide who clearly have legalized embezzlement and crimes against our humanity through OUR Corporate By-Laws of Stock Options, Corporate Perks, Write-offs, secret hidden general ledger trading books we OWN, Control, and manage using procreated GODs FOIA.ONE open public one way store forward collective cooperative shared database(s). We OUTLAW all Private Family Corporate Elite Wealth.
WE GODS people outlaw all campaign contributions and Lobbyist paid for with OUR bank and corporate stock assets. These are the greatest LUCIFERAgenda.com LIES from 5500 years ago that our leader representatives act on behalf of WE the PEOPLE who have been brainwashed to be slave traded cannon fodder of the demonic warlords known as top Corporate Executives of Mega Holding Companies like Pres Putin, CCP, NKorea Fatso, bernie Madoffs', who all have Lucifer mindset of Hitler, Charles Manson, Eric Rodolph, Robert Dee Rose, + millions of other terrorists.
Today I called Media@FixTheCourt.com Mr. Garth Roth who answered with wrath anger that NO ONE has any system to prevent reverse ANY corrupt human right violator. SO I personally have my entire life.
Reality of crime is always easy to FIX the SYSTEM use of original tribal clan system of real time dynamic Direct eDemocracy of EVOTE.ONE HANGING UP on keith was your greatest mistake when you stagnate stated 'NOT INTERESTED' in having ALL JUDGES ELECTED by WE GODS PEOPLE.
I left you voicemail and clearly stated what everyone else has been saying ' YOU ARE INDEED, another typical STUPID DUMP-ASS (SET) MOTHER-lover'.
This alone changes the course of mortal history since the proliferation of predatory Greed is SO pandemic humans are actively murdering each other of last supplies of food, water, energy, housing, clothes, and yes even GUNS with world saving SolutionGunControl.com
Solved prevented all the basic issues of greed by showcasing to world how to fast path eliminated all criminal and terrorists one final time regardless of the named criminals wealth, prestige or ability to use victims assets to extort bribe threaten OUR police, DAs, Judges with full scale focus
on REPLACING the Constitution and Due Process of law
with SolutionJudge.com and SolutionManifesto.com we perfected +12, 46 years ago.
Reality is facing truth that mortal criminal terrorists already have overthrown our slave traded people with any ways or means called LoopHole laws, Precident laws like USAGOV versus Keith Brent Duncan at DuncanClaim.org
Following just sent to Senators Ralphael Warnock, Jon Ossoff, and Rep Lucy Bath on Feb 8, 2022
Direct to: Congressman Jon Ossoff, Freedom of Press, freedom of Speech and all other constitutional rights of WE GODS people have been so severely perverted and abused there is NO other system to destroy the criminal and terrorist dynasties that have already consumed all our corporate and government datbases and fair market trade laws and regulations.
EVOTE.ONE does this at ONE TIME once everyone knows WHO iS WHO, WHO trades WHAT, WHO OWNS WHAT worldwide.
PRIVACY is the single world used by any scam artist, con-artist, serial murderer, literally even our very own JUSTICES of OUR COURT scream privacy when they rule against OUR victims.
WE are 100% victim of literally everyone GOD put in my pathway past 15 years shown at DUNCANCLAIM.org
NO ONE ever protects rights of any victim since CRIME PAYS is the liberation of any con-artist including so many of our very own Corporate Executives and yes, ranking Politicians.
Keith Duncan 770-377-2106 USA Norcross Atlanta GA
We are indeed about to be recalled to heaven since no one has a clue WHY GOD sent you or anyone else.
All about the PREDATORY GREED of the original free will choice of LUCIFERAGENDA.com
EVERYONE hereby commanded to Demand any and all News Media Broadcasters protect Keiths life today. EVERONE MUST contact FEC.gov 1-202-694-1100 info@FEC.gov and demand replacement of ALL voting laws.
Even gerrymandering districts are crimes against each of you as POLYTicks are preselected by same Criminal Ruling Elite who already demand 100% privacy of their corporate PIRATED secret bank asset non-titled world possessions.
NO ONE in world history has EVER EVER showcased all aspects of LIBERATING +7.9 Billion GODs children at one time empowering EACH of you to use EVOTE.ONE online real time dynamic YOU Decide NEXT BEST PROJECT and YOU DECIDE who is best Project Manager Inventor Scientist paid ONLY in cash.
Modeled after Ms. Universe Pageant EVOTE.one alone destroys all LUCIFERS of Stock Markets, bitcoins, stock options, all other legalized embezzlement by ProfitShareHOLDERS.com reversals of ALL war machines caused by GODs use of SolutionMilitary.com GO NOW, NO EXCUSES any more DIRECT to TOP WORLD LEADERS NOW, NOW NOW. literally NO ONE has any confidence to face down any criminal or souless politician or executive anymore except LONE survivor KEITH DUNCAN known as ProfitKeith and ProphetKeith.com as I now perfect CreatorKeith.com as worlds last SINGLE world corporation that literally destroys all public traded stocks and commodities worldwide. EACH OF you GET PAID mega millions of REAL USD and KbitCoins.org at SolutionPEACE.org NOW NOW NOW !!
EVote.one is UNIOcracy.org was always GODs original tribal system of 100% real time decide NEXT best project and WHO is the leader group. Otherwise, WE GODs people kick any violator OUT.
No one in LUCIFER world has any choice of WHO are their leaders and WHAT is NEXT best project.
INCLUDES CCP, NKorea Fatso, President PUT-IN, literally anyone at any leader level of President, congress, mayor with 100% focus on OUR top corporate executives worldwide like Warren Buffet, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, the Rotheschild Family, the Bohemian Grove groups, and focus ON destruction of the hidden cyber criminal super terrorists led by cyber international terrorist Robert Dee ROSE and GBI Director Berry Victor Reynolds conspiracies with Atty Alexander Cyclone Covey, Atlanta Atty Steve Dorvee (17th Street Atlantic Station), intl terrorist assassin Douglas Vernon Duncan showcased below.
Each of you have a GOD defined divine ordained right to decide your own Gods reality and fate.
Worst cyber criminal is ROSE of Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 Federal Judge Raymond T Jackson, international terrorist Douglas Vernon Duncan + 120 others clearly shown by ONLY their criminal evidence at DuncanClaim.org. Only prime reason we came back from Asia after 6-11 years was to personally host - mediate PeaceSummit2020.com town hall forums (church and community levels) so you each learn to host mediate to decide WHAT is next best project you fund and build using KeithsRulesOfOrder.com and SolutionManifesto.com as how to fast path redistribute GODs pirated 5500 year old wealth back to your greatest places of needs starting with WorldSchoolFUND.org + WaWaLake.org in Philippines.
These GODs methods we paid to learn at CEOSPACE.NET + NSASpeakers.org at NSAGeorgia.org
EVOTE.ONE was always YOU decide NEXT best project to benefit yourself and WHO is the project manager you empower and pay in only KBitCoins.org cash to complete infrastructure to benefit our families, our communities. WE GODS people now control ALL Corporate Executives and ALL Government officials once and forever ! ! ! WE all have the right to choose everything and everyone to be fully accountable and respectfully responsible to complete any NEXT best project of free state of art Education centers, free medical clinics, free open civic shared buildings, free day care for youngsters and our elders. Includes eliminating all ELITE crime controllers so WE stop reverse all Mass Poverty and Wars that only enrich the criminal ruling elite who everyone refuses to PUT in PRISON and DEATH ROW once our DOSJ.org new world perfected Dept of Social Justice and police refuse to investigate crimes against humanity and threats to our security.
Each of you are held 100% Accountable to Act with Fearless Authority to Protect the Rights, Lives, and Assets of all others. Universal use of CCWGuard.org trains each of you to protect our children, elderly, women, and assets using open circuit TV K911.pw and simple psychology to ask WHO ARE YOU, WHY are you Here, before the criminals invade our schools, homes, and businesses. Worst terrorists are CYBER criminals.
Basic protection of our Civil rights is accomplished by universal ratification of SolutionManifesto.com
and SolutionJudge.com to bring any violator to immediate justice without criminals ability to use victims assets to attack and persecute their very own victims and OUR Dept of Justice Court officials and police.
Otherwise you each deserve to die tortureous deaths at the hands of the LUCIFERS starting with Intl super Terrorists of: Robert Dee Rose, GBI Director Berry Victor Reynolds, Atlanta Atty Alexander Cyclone Covey, Douglas Vernon Duncan, Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 Judge Raymond T Jackson + 120 other named terrorists who almost succeeded with WMD of Heresay to martyr most humble ProfitKeith.com Duncan by 100% false witness Oct 6, 2007 to present Jan 18, 2022 while Duncan Clan + other criminals stole converted mega Billions of USD valued same sane Patents + Intellectual property, Keiths 2 homes and everything Keith had already gifted back to each of you. DUNCANClaim.org is also integral component of UNIocracy.org as Citizens Arrest by order of collective victims is always the best SolutionLawEnforcement.com to bring any violator to immediate social justice.
WHO EVER HELPS CreatorKeith.com Duncan Board of Director Trustee Executives with world mass publicity GETS PAID with millions of USD of new contracts for finishing UNIOCRACY.org Entire world WILL use EVOTE.ONE to decide GODs reality and their very own destiny Fate. My father GOD is beyond outraged that NO ONE actually protects the rights of any other OR ACTUALLY works to build new community infrastructure THEY actually OWN, manage, caretake, and
DECIDE the NEXT best project and command it actually be completed ! !
KEEPING my +7.9 billion PEOPLE super busy working on behalf of all others DESTROYS all LUCIFERS and lazy ass-sets once and forever. Each of you were always empowered by Free Will Choice to decide your own reality and destiny FATE.
NO ONE wants criminals and terrorists. Yet the underground criminal network of scammers, cyber attackers, Banksters, Corporate Executive criminal ruling Elites grows DAILY caused by original SIN of PREDATORY GREED.
These are GODs ONLY solution methods to command each of you UNIFY reform self-save yourselves from the LUCIFERS who all roam freely.
Most people lack any CONFIDENCE or integrity to contact keith duncan directly to learn REALITY of current end of all humans named World War FIVE when mass looting, mass bombings, martial laws, ballastic nuclear bombs kill ALL.
Evote is the most powerful GODs system of you our people deciding everything about everyone real time.
WE GODS PEOPLE are now empowered to pick WHO are any and each leaders at all top level Corporate and Government positions since WE are the WORKERS who provide total sweat equity, efforts, toil, labor. Most of us are murdered for pure pleasure debauchry of the criminal ruling Elite. Majority of current Corporate Executive and Government Leaders civilly and criminally conspire to deny YOUR rights to be free will barter sovereign Citizens who are either KILLED by war Machines of SolutionMilitary.org, slave traded by foreign named investors, or genocided by mass media propoganda known as the Lucifer Corporate Poison Pill. Best example was Hitler and Pastor cult Jim Jones who brainwashed 800 to Just Drink our Cyanide Cool-Aid and you go to Heaven. Same as most of the News Media and POLYTicks who shout out 'JUST TRUST GOD, JUST TRUST US, JUST wait for the next hand-out intervention...'
KeithsManifesto proclaims NO MORE PRIVATE FAMILY CORPORATE WEALTH anywhere on GODs earth
Anyone who earns an honest living has all Gods rights to be wealthy as long as they JOIN CreatorKeith.com since our Angel Guardian are GODs overseers who host mediate any dispute and command justice be served regardless of economic situations use of SolutionJUDGE.com and original SolutionREDDOT.com Sept 25, 2011
All you stupid people who think socialism and communism was designed to enrich only the elite are truly beyond criminally insane incompetent since current Speculation commodity Capitialism IS the LUCIFER way.
Replacing all known forms of voting and deision making systems with EVOTE.ONE use of 5Steps.life KeithsRulesOfOrder.com is the ony simple engineered system sent by GOD through ProfitKeith.com Duncan Forefounding father of UNIOcracy.org +1 770-377-2106.
We have been most cruely empoverished and threatened by death warrants signed by terrorists Robert Dee ROSE + Federal Judge Raymond Jackson seen by each of you at DuncanCLAIM.org. NO ONE protects your liberty to be free will Sovereign world citizens. If 'THEY' did, we would already live in my GODs utopia 0 crime.
YOU = GODs People now exile destroy any criminal terrorist by YOUR SolutionJudge.com All other world vote decision making systems are hereby abolished forever at Corporate, Government, and Community levels and hereby replaced by YOU with 8 simple New World eVote laws ratified by everyone at village level + all current nation leaders and Executives of CreatorKeith at +1 770-377-2106. BOOK us NOW with Congress, Interpol, Mayors, FBI, + News TV Today ! Gods engineered Judgement System of SolutionManifesto.com decentralizes all of Gods assets and people to greatest places of needs. PROTECT KEITHs life and take all his wisdom, knowledge, patents, and teachings for yourself TODAY !
ProphetKeith.com sent by GOD beats ELON MUSKS comments about GOVERNMENT is the enemy as FALSE LUCIFER. Keiths system sent by GOD is NO GOVERNMENT, total decentralization of all wealth AND authority back to YOUR community once and forever. ASK EVERYONE NOW NOW NOW, to put Keith Duncan on National TV with all other Billionaires to explain how WE and THEY now are mostly retired by command of ProfitShareHolders.com BEST feature of any extremely wealthy elite is to be ONLY SPENDERS, spenders, spenders, and MENTORS of our new young adult replacement leaders worldwide. This was GODs original system of WORLDSchoolFUND.org 100% free education.
EVOTE.ONE Protect Keiths life and your destiny by contacting us directly right now. +1 770-377-2106.
NO ONE can EVER DENY ANY of your RIGHTS again! eVote.ONE FoIA.one is our Utopia free of all criminals.
No more taxes, Criminal Investigations, appointed officials, corrupt Executives or false Religious leaders.
All political parties, mobsters, underground crime enterprises are eliminated By Will of Majority of Our People.
All election voting and decision making is now blockchain locked with International ID, your photo/video linked to your action.
Use eVote.ONE For + By the full authority of GOD + our Crusader Teams of Righteousness, Peace, and Total Equality. Everyone now FEARLESSLY PROTECTS THE RIGHTS OF ALL OTHERS using open Public Integrity database FOIA.one = SolutionPeace.ORG
These simple 8 ByPass Laws create your SolutionManifesto.com new history. No one can ever deny your rights again.
1. All leaders are electronically voted IN by one general election. All votes are PUBLIC. Votes are marked private or PUBLIC. Tallies all shown to world with method of write once, then read-only public counts seen by all. This is block chain un-hackable. Each vote is tied to your photo/video stored for any retrieval in the single new world society open public database FOIA.ONE
2. Any leader is voted OUT by majority who violates law, suspected of fraud or personal profiteering OUTSIDE their #4 pay or refusals to complete #3 below. Each are replaced by succession runner-ups, NEVER by appointments or re-election process controlled by the Criminal Ruling Elite or same crime party control. This is easy Retroactive punishment + seizure for any previous violation or crime as ultimate deterrent. Our WorldSchoolFund people become our new world leaders free of corruption + crime.
3. Direct eDemocracy Post Election, All leaders electronically TOLD what to do by evote. All Direct Funding builds NEXT best project so NO ONE can scam or steal our assets. No more appointed officials who criminally conspire with others. SolutionJudge.com Total Tort Reform eliminates all corrupt individuals including Liar=Lawyers + all other terrorists.
ALL Corporate Executives worldwide are now treated ONLY as highly cash paid consultants with NO benefits at all. includes jets.
4. All leaders consultant pay is electronically voted UP, same, or DOWN by the majority will of our people. All leaders are now highly paid consultant Administrators ONLY, with no direct access to any taxes or ability to profiteer by controlling any of our assets or laws. This includes all corporate executives below. All must show their income / expenses / ownership of all assets with FOIA.ONE. Each deserve to be rich + protected AFTER they fearlessly serve + protect my people by tracked performance of #3.
No more will ANY elected Leader be allowed to decide anything without being TOLD exactly WHAT is NEXT best project, Bill, Law, Contract to project manage. Proxies are now authorized by each of you that is diagrammed as a simple tree with Each of YOU diagramed as the root Stem decision maker. Any proxy vote made (decision or Project Manager) is store and forwarded to you through Gods FOIA.ONE for your review at any time. YOU can override the (decision or PM) or re-assign another Proxy person.
You can also set your preferences to be a neutral voter and allow all other voters to decide based on their majority priorities.
CLICK HERE to understand HOW GODs EVOTE.ONE changes the course of YOUR human history once and forever.
Refer: One World Stabilizing Required SolutionManifesto.com Constitutional replacement laws change your reality..
EVOTE.ONE was Gods Four Basic Replacement engineer Data driven New Constitutional Laws replace all known forms of Voting and Decision making systems that were always 5500 ancient LUCIFER MLM Ponzi Con-Fidence schemes of JUST TRUST US..
1. WE GODS people real time pick vote proxy WHO is a specific leader of any Government or Corporate Leader level.
2. WE GODS people now replace any false leader with runner-up backup chosen by original general ONE election.
3. WE GODS people dynamically vote on NEXT best project that locally benefits ourselves, not the loophole LUCIFERS of Zealots.
4. WE GODS people dynamically vote RAISE, LOWER, Same the cash paycheck level of same sane leaders by commanding all stock options, Deferrred compensation, Corporate Perks, Corporate Aircraft/mansions/Yachts be sold off to Keiths most humble philantropists of CreatorKeith.com who co-founded all aspects of GODs UNIocracy.org free market will barter systems.
The required price of Evote.one is $10 Million USD per nation use since we have already trademarked, copyrighted registered as procreated by Gods servant Keith Brent Duncan (c)(r)Patent Pending.
The value of our total gifted services, products and patents are Priceless. We must be compensated today for our +63 manyears of frontliner contributions. Was filed 2011 Sept 25 to each of you now thru USPTO.gov
EVOTE was Gods System of direct proxy eDemocracy is only Paradigm shift that empowers each of you (humanity) to decide your reality + fate. Attend: Meetup.com/UNIocracy 2021 each every Sunday
PeaceSUMmit2020.com Town Hall Forums reverse Mass Poverty.
CreatorKeith.com BuiltByKeith.org NGSystem Inc SaintKeiths Angels
PeaceSummit2020.com 9/2011 - 2021 World President Conclaves of Final Total Social Equality Justice World System. Client3635.wix.com/eVote
SolutionPeace.org ProfitShareHOLDers.com free will Sovereign open economy. The Ultimate Gift of God + ProphetKeith = New World Leaders
UNIocracy.org was GODs system to reverse all crimes against humanity committed by the greatest LUCIFER LIARS in world history. Every mortal living GODs soul has our inherent right to decide your reality and fate by destroying any one who violates your civil rights gifted and shared to you by GODsCrusaders.org, GOD and ProphetKeith.com Duncan once and forever.
As of Nov 30, 2021, each of you are so blinded by predatory greed original sin, vice, crime, you have no clue WHO walks among you past 63.33 years known worldwide as #1 top world humanitarian celebrity Keith Brent Duncan, procreator of your new total replacement Society UNIocracy.org as YOU are now the empowered decision makers of your community safe from criminals called the original GRID system of tribal communities who share collectively cooperatively everything my father GOD has gifted each of you including redistribution of $500 TRILLION USD of elite wealth by use of mass publicity PROTEST rallies showcasing how ProfitShareHOLDERS.com retires over 70% of all corporate executives of public traded stock companies once and forever.
The ancient system of Capitialism is a misnomer without use of GOD + Keiths system of collective cooperative communually sharing everything as we were always only mortal caretakers and caregivers. Each person uses free will choice to serve all others.
GODs focus was always NO PRIVATELY HELD CORPORATE WEALTH can be controlled by any elite family dynasty group.
USE EVOTE.ONE BELOW once and forever at all levels of your crime free society.
Worst crimes and lies are the legalized embezzlement of GODs resources that occur past +555, even 5500 years ago when the false GOD dirty scoundrel deities tortured and threatened GODs people to WORK harder, pay your taxes and just dues, never talk to anyone other than your slave master, never claim you are independent free will soveign citizens or we (THEY = THEM) will KILL YOU and enslave all your families to same fate of being brutally butchered murdered, raped, and any other LUCIFER form of satanic persecution. Some of your communities suffer even worst self greedy state of smash and grap.
Simple reality is YOUR assets are being sold off to next looser when value of stocks or banks plunge based on any news event. At the very bottom of price, the same insane LUCIFER brokers buy your stock certificates and wait to resell back to YOU at the highest price at zero risk to themselves or their own FiRST FAMILIES of dynasty origination.
Why is KEITH BRENT DUNCAN CEO of UNIOcracy.org and all aspects of dignified trackable intellectual property the ONLY person who was sent by GOD in current time reality to showcase HOW to redistribute 3 untapped resources of GODs assets?
WHY, most people are so blinded by self serving greed instant gratification, their (YOUR) brains are triggered by any word to SHUT DOWN forever claiming, OH TOO GOOD to be reality truth that YOU can actually control manage your own community reality once and forever. This showcased broadcast on Oct 30, 2021 Halloween EVE, another pagen LUCIFER false idol non-holiday of false worship of GET THE CANDY, Trick us and YOU will get TREATED with harm. I even had an armed pumpkin on my doorstep at 4177 Ancient Amber Way, Norcross GA to entrap any idiot who were smashing all the pumpkins down our streets year 2005.
Evote.one is now used worldwide as ONE single computer voting system at all levels of schools, city meetings, business meetings, Board of Directors, Courtrooms, Lawmaker sessions, even during church meetings and services. This alone was GODs singular and only direct eDemocracy system so each of YOU at COMmUNITY level collective cooperatively decide next best project devoid of all PolyTICians, delays, taxes, blame-lame excuses, and ability of criminals and cyber terrorists from pirating GODs wealth. Each of you eVotes on every project and who is the Project Manager Engineer Consultant paid fully and only in cash after completing named project. Applies to most wealthy ELITE Corporate Executives once ProfitShareHOLDers.com replaces all known Corporate By-Laws. Use of Proxies is how to decide everything that benefits you, then your community, then regional, national, and global as we were always GODs sovereign free market barter exchange citizens who prevent crimes at point of commission transgressions.
The GREATEST LUCIFER con-artist lies is that someone or group will actually PROTECT your lives, your assets, and our famlies.
WHO is this person? Clearly, this WHO was always YOU, my 7.9 Billion most be-loved Gods Children. GOD sent KEITH to unify each of you as independant self sustaining grid matrix decision makers. Keith has been personally persecuted over his very own assets that were visciously stolen and converted to more criminal use by Robert Dee Rose, Ms. Bashama, Sherry Duncan (entire clan), and murdered Brian Walker. All others have testified Keith was delussional for being robbed and persecuted same end result of always being denied YOUR rights to prosecute anyone who violates your rights to be free will Sovereign Citizens by enforcing all legally binding contracts between any two or more parties.
Definition of an ASSET also shows when TWO ASSES conspire against your rights is a SET of ASSes = Ass-Sets conspiracy. When two or more of you gather to commit a LUCIFER violation crime, that is defined as a conspiracy.
When two or more of you gather to hold a criminal accountable, this is SolutionJUDGE.com, and there I AM = Keith. John 10:30 and Job 40: 9-14 in full context. ChildProtectCOALItion.com was always GODs system to protect all our children at one time.
Composed of 8 simple New Universal SolutionManifesto.com Constitutional Laws that change the course of human history forever. Now that everyone knows Who is WHO (1 degree of separation +7.9 billion of WE GODS children), WHO owns WHAT (no secret anything), and WHO free market barter exchanges What with WHO, When, Where, and why, only stupid people would dare to violate GODs original commandments of Never Steal, Never LIE, Never HIDE(escape justice), Never recruit others to expand criminal networks.
Most humble #1 top world scientist frontliner philantropist inventor investor Guardian Angel author ProphetKeith.com Duncan clearly ordain and dispatched by our mutual Creator most know as GOD, Allah, other single dietys to master education each of you how to fast path unify by holding absolutely everyone accountable for all your actions and behaviors as free will citizens,.
Delivered in person by God Sent ProphetKeith.com Duncan 770-377-2106 as GODs new crime free society when each of you share collectively everything GOD has loaned us all as mortal caretakers and caregivers who act with Fearless Authority to protect the rights of all others before thinking of self gratification benefits. Final GODs update Oct 25, 2021 per GODs required request.
GREED is now outlawed by action of WE GODs people recorded one-way write ONCE, Read Public FOIA.ONE open public database that is unhackable use of SolutionBankFraud.com that destroys all CYBER criminals and terrorists once and forever.
What do each of YOU false worship? Clearly the false idols of MONEY, Deception of Lucifer Agenda 5500 years old. NO ONE EVER does required followup to see REALITY of GODs assets being pirated at all levels by Bernie Madoff PONZI MLM schemes of pure raw deception of WHO controls OUR data and ASS-SETS. Keith at 770-377-2106. Have YOU been told to SHUT the HELL up, BE 100% compliant and whatever required to COVERUP their crimes against humanity. SolutionMilitary.com SolutionManifesto.com were always GODs plans to acheive total world equality social free market barter peace once and forever.
Oct 21, 2012 BuckHead City Club. Updated Eve of Labor Day, Sept 5, 2021 in Atlanta GA, Johns Creek Sandy Springs, Alpharetta.
Evote.one replaces all known forms of voting systems at all levels with one central computer READ-ONLY program used with each of your IID international IDs to ensure you can verify your decision of WHO and WHAT is enforced. Empowers each community to decide the NEXT best project and task independent of any arrogant ego driven Corporate Executive or Politicians who claims only THEY can represent your rights while they quote Lucifer Constitutional laws and Corp by-Laws with liar lawyers and accountants who are no longer L.L.P. like Sally Q Yates at sYates@kslaw.com who claim client-attorney immunity from being prosecuted with Keiths SolutionJudge.com and DOSJ.org methods see by all victims and public as Write Once, Read Public.
Reality is MLM LUCIFER AGENDA is Egyptian Pharaoh King false God Deity claims by ruthless paranoid sociopaths perverting GODs emerging technology to propaganda brainwash my +7.9 billion children to believe ONLY they are the King of all King decision makers who decide the fate of each of you. As of Aug 14, 2021 not a SINGLE honest or DAMn (laserTunnel.com) FOIA.ONE or SolutionSafeWater.org soul has ever protected ProphetKeith.com Duncan life or asked him WHY we were all PRO-CREATED in GODs first place. This is reality of why Keith returns to heaven soon to reign supreme Sovereign wrath over all living humans.
IID of FOIA.ONE is our One Universal Intl ID of 19 numerical digits.
This represents every single person including all our Children + Elderly + dead.
The format is: CCC YEARmmDY nnnnnnnn, (+/- NNN Integrity Rating) The 1st three groups of numbers are sort enabled unique to showcase all known persons in our world: living, dead = heaven or hell. All newborns are metric entered and updated by their families and friends to destroy the infamous Cyber Tracking of Mark of 666 Beast that is Cell #s, Credit Cards, banks, etc. No one can break-infiltrate-hack this one published perfect design referential Integrity Repository of all prime human knowledge and wisdom.
1. The first three numbers are your originating birth country identifier. CCC The world Population Websites shows China as 001, India 002, USA 003, Indonesia 004, etc. Best 1st group is the 3 digit telephone country code as everyone knows + uses their Intl phone #.
2. The next 8 digits are your registered birth: Year, Month, Day. Format: YEAR mm DY
3. The last 8 digits is a unique sequential number that represents the order of each person registering their birth country and their own birth date. This makes each international Identifier unique. Face Recognition scan matching and video linked transactions eliminates all ID theft duplicates + criminal forgeries. Includes original client3635.wix.com/SolutionBF
4. Above IID accesses + retrieves your Integrity rating as reported by those URL linked to you. +100 is perfect trust, 0=ghost not to be trusted, -99 is Death Row since 0 people trust them.
All Issues of Privacy versus Public have already been addressed since pre 2005 and 1976 era.
All citizens now use one universal public database International over free-Wifi for auto-match of Face Recognition, weight, height, and video recorded transactions including travel, banking, contracts, and all legally binding agreements. NO CRIMINAL can freely travel, trade, or conduct any business or crime. All our honest citizens use wearable OCTV + e911.mobi = client3635.wix.com/CCWatch+ SolutionRedDot to claim 'bounty' reward on anyone identified as a criminal with eVOTE.ONE. This final new world society is controlled, managed FOR, BY, and OF all humanity with NO government, corporation, or 'secret' entity having any crime profiteering influence over your data and lives. This destroys all cyber crime terrorism forever. This finally creates the 100% merit based UNIocracy utopia of Peace and Harmony to fulfill fore-founder prophecies of stopping all violence, crimes, wars, and self-genocide. Use BidOnKeith.com to protect his teams and send them to YOUR greatest places of needs today. This starts with Conclaves with all World Leaders + filling Stadiums full of people modeled by Evangelist Billy Graham, John Baptist, Christ, Mohammad, Moses, Abraham, Martin Luther, and all other great fore-founding authors of Unification reform.
No more corruption, crime, civil-wars, poverty, genocide, nuclear holocausts will ever occur again.
EVOTE.ONE Protect Keiths life and your destiny by contacting us directly right now. +1 770-377-2106.
NO ONE can EVER DENY ANY of your RIGHTS again! eVote.ONE FoIA.one is our Utopia free of all criminals.
All of these profound 'clean slate' replacement Gods systems are generated by perfected 5Steps.Life.
No more taxes, Criminal Investigations, appointed officials, corrupt Executives or false Religious leaders.
All political parties, mobsters, underground crime enterprises are eliminated By Will of Majority of Our People.
All election voting and decision making is now blockchain locked with International ID, your photo/video linked to your action.
Use eVote.ONE For + By the full authority of GOD + our Crusader Teams of Righteousness, Peace, and Total Equality. Everyone now FEARLESSLY PROTECTS THE RIGHTS OF ALL OTHERS using open Public Integrity database FOIA.one = SolutionPeace.ORG
These simple 8 ByPass Laws create your SolutionManifesto.com new history. No one can ever deny your rights again.
1. All leaders are electronically voted IN by one general election. All votes are PUBLIC. Votes are marked private or PUBLIC. Tallies all shown to world with method of write once, then read-only public counts seen by all. This is block chain un-hackable. Each vote is tied to your photo/video stored for any retrieval in the single new world society open public database FOIA.ONE
2. Any leader is voted OUT by majority who violates law, suspected of fraud or personal profiteering OUTSIDE their #4 pay or refusals to complete #3 below. Each are replaced by succession runner-ups, NEVER by appointments or re-election process controlled by the Criminal Ruling Elite or same crime party control. This is easy Retroactive punishment + seizure for any previous violation or crime as ultimate deterrent. Our WorldSchoolFund people become our new world leaders free of corruption + crime.
3. Direct eDemocracy Post Election, All leaders electronically TOLD what to do by evote. All Direct Funding builds NEXT best project so NO ONE can scam or steal our assets. No more appointed officials who criminally conspire with others. SolutionJudge.com Total Tort Reform eliminates all corrupt individuals including Liar=Lawyers + all other terrorists.
ALL Corporate Executives worldwide are now treated ONLY as highly cash paid consultants with NO benefits at all. includes jets.
4. All leaders consultant pay is electronically voted UP, same, or DOWN by the majority will of our people. All leaders are now highly paid consultant Administrators ONLY, with no direct access to any taxes or ability to profiteer by controlling any of our assets or laws. This includes all corporate executives below. All must show their income / expenses / ownership of all assets with FOIA.ONE. Each deserve to be rich + protected AFTER they fearlessly serve + protect my people by tracked performance of #3.
Most Critical Caveat: No more Leader special benefits at any level.
No more will ANY elected Leader be allowed to decide anything without being TOLD exactly WHAT is NEXT best project, Bill, Law, Contract to project manage. Proxies are now authorized by each of you that is diagrammed as a simple tree with Each of YOU diagramed as the root Stem decision maker. Any proxy vote made (decision or project Manager) is store and forwarded to you through Gods FOIA.ONE for your review at any time. YOU can override the decision or PM) or re-assign another Proxy.
You can also set your preferences to be a neutral voter and allow all other voters to decide based on their priorities.
5. Anyone can run for any office in any nation if FOIA.ONE IID +90 Integrity ranked on FOIA.ONE world database.
ALL of these 5 By-Pass Constitutional laws are irrevocable and irrefutable base of SolutionManifesto.com
6. Proxy assignment of decisions by any individual. Now the lowest class are at the top of the tree structure with the leaders at the bottom of the decision funnel. Any person can assign their voting rights to another person or group. The Proxy is linked by each International IID of FOIA.one. If the proxy votes contrary to the original persons choice, the person or group can over-ride and recast their eVote at any real time.
7. Public can eVOTE and assume title ownership to any mall or equal public built structure even if the entire corporation is privately owned. Boycott, selling off your stock, change jobs (recruit and work for us), pulling your cash out of our banks, and commanding to see OUR General Ledger books and trade deal history are always the key ways to eliminate any Corporate Executives who always take 30 to 75% of all our First Profits.
8. This is retroactive justice against ANYONE who previously violated our rights to be free will citizens.
Our work was completed 12,46 years ago stating the exact same New World System ... UNIocracy.org
eVote.ONE is 100% Direct decision based eDemocracy as the ONLY answer required by GOD and humanity to eliminate any person who violates our basic Human right LAWS of due Process to put any offender violator away with SolutionManifesto.com SolutionJudge.com all enforced by WE Keiths People using Evote and SolutionMilitary.com Crime Investigators. WE the PEOPLE now own and control everything in our Gods world. EarthFirst.space is the unification final Peace SUMMIT celebration Sept 26, 2020.
Total World Peace is accomplished with just One world eVoting system + One Open Public Database so everyone knows Who is Who, Who owns What, Who trades What with Who and the store forward of all human knowledge A.I. The old NWO Pyramid central authority 4000 year old system is vertically collapsed with all mega wealthy families now on the bottom who redistribute 90% of their wealth to the most impoverished to create entire new world of all middle class small business owners who freely travel and trade worldwide.
This is the ONLY GODs way method system to unify mankind once and forever.
We CONTROL and command all Corporate Executives once and forever. ProfitShareHolders.com
Contact + escort us today to Testify Mediate to all world presidents + Executives before Self-Genocide..
We GODs people were always empowered to control ALL our leaders at all levels. Since all vice, sin, crimes were legaized centureis ago, this empowers ANYONE to pass judgment on anyone else using SOLUTIONJudge SolutionManifesto.com
eVote.One drives 100% Direct eDemocracy forever for All Our Nations at all OUR levels. Is the ONLY singular method system to unify mankind with simple task of true Empowerment of humanity occurs as WE now own all land, homes, small businesses, and absolutely ALL infrastructure !
Keith soon returns to Heaven to judge rule over the sinners.
WHO DO YOU KNOW to host required Forum Mediated Peace Rallies all on Intl Streaming TV ????
These 8 step Universal Constitutional replacement Laws are simple direct eDemocracy method system replaces all election and appointment systems known to man. This election system applies to ALL corporate executives of any publicly traded company. Due process of law ensures that anyone who tells a lie, slander, libel, or defrauds another person or group, will be quickly put on SolutionJudge.com trial using the same will of majority system.
CONTACT ALL WORLD LEADERS and Top PRESS MEDIA now! We are the top 100% neutral expert observers of world economy Human Conditions. We are the billionaire R&D scientists who are isolated by criminal networks including very powerful Corporate Executives like ROSE who pay off Judges, Lawyers, police, literally anyone who exposes their massive crime enterprises. All by observing their data and signatures on legally binding documents and court certified evidence. This is basis for SolutionJudge.com open forum Speedy trial convict law using kOCTV keiths Open Court TV stream.
Few forensic investigators, special prosecutors, lawyers, or judges can be found who actually uphold existing laws. With our FOIA.ONE tracking system, all crime evidence is easy for public to see on how is innocent and who are convicted by their very own evidence using SolutionJudge.com
It is always easy for terrorist criminals to block any whistle blower by robbing their homes, threaten their families, and even murdering them or forcing them into Hell Jail unable to testify once someone in AG office declares they must be DRUGGED to make them incompetent and dead.
Everything broadcast for just last +11.11 years is TRUE on how a few Cyber Terrorists NWO Pharaohs control our world with Corporate BY-Laws that transfer over 66 TRILLION USD by these legalized embezzlers always taking 50 to 85 Trillion USD annually our of YOUR earnings of GODS workers in all fields of expertise This is the most deadly deadline of Jan 18, 2021 to PREVENT, Yes, world war FIVE !!!!! easy cyber attacks against YOU !!!
This system would have been completed post Sept 25, 2011 Langley AirForce Base debrief seen on ManHuntAll.space TheFinalTerrorist.space if a single person had ever upheld existing laws of Keith.
This is the most peaceful revolution in world history because these engineered technical solutions auto prevent wars, financial market collapses, prevents transfer of hidden and criminal assets to family dynasties, and all other forms of crime are effectively eliminated. Crime can only exist when crime individuals work within a network including crime rogue agents working INSIDE our law enforcement and corporations. Only by eliminating all corruption/crime at one time will UNIocracy.org be your new reality.
We have delivered EVERYTHING to everyone tens of thousand of times including 50 times to INTERPOL and Jesse DelaCruz at Malvar ipcSeaCom@gmail.co 63 918-610-4268, 0977-703-7431 still refuses like everyone else to PROTECT Keiths life while WE debrief world Leaders who are the current ONLY Decision Makers.
We have most formally requested, commanded, demanded Diplomatic Sovereign Immunity since fall of 2011 so we can collectively witness, testify, mediate with World Presidents and top Corporate Executives to achieve Total Equality Peace using GODS engineered technology that advances our own human race. No one shares any evidence or information since absolute control over our data, assets, lives is the ancient NWO Lucifer agenda of hidden terrorists who control who lives and who are murdered by remote control of war machines driven by our young adults who have no clue they are committing mass self genocide. SolutionMilitary.com destroys these terrorists at the top of the human food chain.
We arrived USA Jan 12, 2021 and fully expect to be greeted and actually protected by MY Military, MY Press, MY people where I go next to the Greatest places of needs. Jan 18, 2021 is the deadliest DEADLINE in world history as World War FIVE is about to finish the Lucifer agenda of holocaust apocalypse...
Rose told me Dec 2007 "Anyone can sue anyone for anything'. This is the LUCIFER way of forcibly intimidating your victims to submit to the will of the demonic satanic criminal. WMD always start with HE-Said, SHE said, hearsay heresy.
Final Updated June 3, 2021. Here I am impoverished because of 4 GAG criminally granted Temp Protective Orders.
The use of FOIA.ONE single open public database is fast path Back Ground Check on anyone, even the criminals like ROSE.
Our=Keiths system exiles anyone based on their very own Referential Integrity rating of our new ONE International ID. IID.
The worse Crimes against humanity are banksters leveraging OUR assets to GO TO WORLD WAR FIVE, buying top GOV officials (elected and appointed) to pay THEM our first profits and growth dividends. Protect KEITHs life by escorting his Guardian Angels to testify mediate WITH all world Presidents and World Executives today, as we have NOTHING left to gift back to Humanity.
Identifying violators of GOD + old Laws is always required to redistribute Gods Wealth back to WE keiths People. Few understand we are all mortal earthbound caretakers who were all PRO-created to solve our own issues at all levels. Waging War is the cyber crime terrorist attacks we personally have prevented use of original SolutionBankFraud.space automatic Identification system of WHO is WHO FOIA.ONE legally binding contract transactions so everyone knows who trades what with who, when, where, why, and how. No secrets = UTOPIA E.D.E.N. All criminal conspirators worldwide will indeed, Scream OUT PRIVACY and HIDE from our DOSJ.
If Keith is ever Murdered, disappeared, or FORCED into HELL mental JAIL, everyone will exercise their WRATH = Justified Anger of GOD and Keiths people to bring each criminal to JUSTICE and PREVENT all occurrences by HOLDING everyone accountable ! ! ! ! The #1 first crime was ROSE's own HWIgl.pdf showing massive CYBER CRIME attacks are your reality..... ManhuntALL.space
We arrived back in USA Jan 12 from MNL to host massive Press Conferences to command our Leaders use our products and services. We have negative indications a single person has ever represented OUR rights to command Justice be served once and forever.
CALL everyone and gather RALLY millions, billions of our people to overthrow all the NWO criminals at one time. Send manna survivor funds to KEITH DUNCAN in manila. Of COURSE do quick back ground check on us to ensure YOU are now members of UNIocracy.org. Our System was delivered by GOD through WE his Guardian Angels back in 2010, even 1976 start, 1958 conception.
All cynics, hypocrites, bigots, racists are quickly identified and isolated Keith777.space use of SolutionPeace.org/5Steps as all objectors are always required to provide a better = best solution otherwise they are silenced as idiot stupid morons of no merit integrity.
100% direct eDemocracy of EVOTE.ONE replaces all centralized authorities worldwide as NWO Lucifers have been running our FatherGods world for +3,400 years once humans evolved as tribal communities and Pro-Created technology solutions to advance our human race. The most profound system was engineered by GOD at dawn of man. Keith's work is GOD sent methods to achieve total world equality peace by master teaching fast path business relationship mediation to eliminate the 'pain points' of those who embezzle our assets and profits. This process is how to eliminate all Lucifer(s) who are collectively known as the New World Order, Criminal Ruling Elite, Illuminati666.org, and cyber crime terrorists starting with Anti Christ Robert Dee Rose. We are the Guardian Angels sent by our Higher Spiritual Power to mediate all World Presidents and Leaders how to be free will caretakers of our FatherGODs resources. Failures to respond and protect our lives will result in death of millions, even billions of our Earthlings in a few months. We have commanded USA GOV, all GOV + ALL corporate executive groups PROTECT our lives so we can turnover everything as worlds last redistribution of all wealth now occurs.
We are the rare breed of mega billionaires who are teaching public and all world leaders exact same evolutionary tech methods 2005(1976) played forward. The cost benefits are trillions of No election fraud, No political parties or campaign contributions, no kickbacks or lobbyist groups who pay for passage of self entitlement funds and secret loophole laws. No more any one person or group control taxes or corrupt enterprises anywhere on earth.
Call us today.
We have offered to SELL this system to all world Governments and Corporations for obvious reasons.
We require our top Law firms of KSlaw.com including AG Sally Q Yates + others to manage the required legal binding contracts. They must be 100% directly involved in Congressional Investigations of Robert Dee Rose.
One single Constitutional Mandate SolutionManifesto.com Commandments unify all mankind eliminating all corruption and crime at one time. Your New World society is UNIocracy.ORG that prevents all political corruption and identifies all crime networks BY, FOR, and OF our people with one single open public un-hackable database FOIA.ONE. eVOTE.ONE are 5 By-Pass Constitutional Laws that unify mankind by returning full control, ownership, and communication of all assets and knowledge bases back to +7.7 Billion my people. Command our world leaders protect our people + Keith's evolutionary education Consultants now!
View the PDF file upper left corner to see reality of trillions of real $$$ assets transferred legally back to our people.
Focus direct contacts to TOP Presidents, Senators, Congressmen, Human rights Activists, Religious Leaders, + news broadcasters.
Call Atlanta GA kslaw.com Sally Q Yates to contact Manila USA ambassador Sung Kim as we have done for now years...
Gloria Reyes +(63)917-173-3744 Executive CFO Pare17Mare@gmail.com Send support funds to our teams including Bob De Lara. (63)926-747-0975 RobertoDelara27@gmail.com to PROTECT our teams with the most revolutionary new world system that unify reforms all mankind by peaceful replacement of all known forms of governments and corporations. Call AJC.com Kevin Riley through Kimberley.Murphy@ajc.com, Top world News desks including CNN, NBC, ABC, BBS, even Atlanta's Condance Pressley 404-897-7500, Mike.Rutan@wsbtv.com and Presidents along with CONGRESS both House and Senate. This STOPS all political wars and fateful self genocide caused by Criminal Ruling elite who most often work underground by buying off politicians. Focus on TheFinalTerrorist.com prime cyber criminals and Congressional Investigations to rid our world of all crime.
No longer will any politician, corporate executive, underground criminal be able to network and commit any crime. These simple by-pass replacement laws are key foundation laws of your new world single constitution that are your new reality of competent sanity of common sense, use of existing technology, principles of enforced integrity, and legally bind contracts showcased to world.
Our entire world is now driven by open free internet communication we own and control WorldSchoolFund.com. No secrets means no one can commit any crime and hide any evidence. Even secret assets in Safe Deposit boxes are showcased to public over OCTV recorded to FOIA.ONE. Anyone not claiming and showing legal acquired documents loses that asset that is now direct contributed 1% to BuiltByKeith.com NGO, then to any victims who show connections to the 'suspect = criminal', the rest is used to pay for construction material, open bidded construction contracts, and oversight by our people to build new infrastructure in areas of indigenous higher elevation areas using SolutionHousing.org. Entire world benefits except for the criminals who do not surrender based on open court testimony using SolutionJudge.com. SolutionMilitary.com are dispatched to find all offenders.
These are all the reasons why we debriefed USA Military, NSA, CIA Sept 25, 2011 Langley AFBase to seize terrorist Robert Dee Rose.
Whoever JOINS and supports our bypass Crusader teams is recognized by public listing and gets payback of percentage of new world barter system Profit share holder Voting stock of the 1% seized by world reform saving eVote.one.(c)(tm) IntlPTO.gov
These are the only solutions to rid our world of all criminal networks forever. An Act of Congress or GOD is never required once eVOTE.ONE drives new world direct eDemocracy SolutionManifesto.com using FOIA.ONE single Open Public owned database.
Your 100% Direct Democracy New World Society UNIocracy.Org is Free of All Crime with perfected self balancing checks + balances for all Humanity. 100% Decision Based FOIA.ONE system by all humanity decides your reality. All citizens vote Direct Funding of all projects thereby eliminating ALL POLITICS and ALL crime Taxation.
The original 'What's in this for me?' syndrome empowers mankind to rebuild, own + control their new Utopia.
+7.7 Billion of our people live in new Open Public Society as you make 100% all decisions to control + manage your very own destiny with SolutionPeace.com. Yes, YOUR new world society is now free of all crime and vice sins.
Key World Broadcasts are IseeJustice.com YouTube.com Click: "BuiltByKeith #431" + "BuiltByKeith #1045"
#1 Critical 5 By-Pass laws above create your new human history. No more taxes, campaign contributions, post election criminal accusations, fraud, or any crime influence as my +7.7 billion collective followers + partners now 100% control all decisions to create your new world society! Elimination of ALL political party crime domination eliminates all underground crime entities who buy off these campaign pirates. SolutionManifesto.com voids 50 to 85% of all man made loophole laws as elections and decisions are based on will of majority of all my citizens affected. No more election fraud or crime ever.
Unrepentant criminals are man-hunted with automatic face recognition with OCTV (Open Circuit TV + any eDevice) using original solutionBankFraud.com + SolutionRedDot = SolutionDefense.com #1 SolutionMilitary.com. WE THE PEOPLE, OWN and control the contents of FOIA.ONE Criminal Investigation Database that is the WHO is WHO, and WHO owns WHAT primary reference repository.
Anyone can freely trade and travel worldwide and be an elected leader of any government, corporation, civic or religious order by Will of Majority of our people. Fearlessly protecting the rights of all others is the PRIME requirement for all of Keith's people.
Most critical is the seizure of Robert Dee Rose + hosted Press Conferences by World Leaders and Head of FBI AG. For all these replacement systems are common sense and fulfill predictive Chaos string meta-Physics theory to create your own predictable new world utopia free of almost all crimes and major world traumas by empowerment of our people to collectively choose best life styles.
All +7.7 Billion God's people benefit except the named Criminals and politicians who refuse to confess their crimes and WHO are hiding behind criminally granted 'privacy laws' of our very own law enforcement agencies including DOJ, FBI, AG, Interpol, IRS.
UNIFICATION by UNIocracy.ORG occurs when EVERYONE goes PUBLIC with the answers shown below. Protect Keith now !
Electronic Voting on all corporate and government leadership enables all citizens to control and manage all the prime decisions of their rights and taxpayer assets to forever change the course of human history by full EMPOWERMENT of all +7.7 Billion fearless People.
No more Criminal Investigations, appointed officials OR Judges. No more Passport-Visas needed with FOIA.ONE = URLiDent.com. Free Trade, Travel, Trust, Education is the UNIocracy.ORG final result. Elimination of all Political Corruption + Majority rule of any Party control are the only answers to transform all society. No more crime networks, ID theft, embezzlement, elite family dynasties, fraud, Congressional Hearings, Impeachments, or waste of mega billions man hours of time to remove those who our citizens identified as criminally profiteering. Immediate prosecution of crimes occurs with universal eVOTE.ONE only answer.
Your 100% Direct Democracy New World Society of UNIocracy.Org is Free of All Crime with perfected self balancing checks + balances for all Humanity as your God is here. 100% Decision Based by all humanity decides your reality. All citizens vote to Direct Fund all projects = no Taxes. This eliminates all Politics and almost all Government agencies worldwide. Protect and serve our crusader teams BidOnKeith.com with UNITYurl.com + SolutionMilitary.com now.
Nov 15, 2010 to Oct 5, 2018. From Oct 5 FBI-Atl headquarters debrief, crime Investigator LYNN ?who? at 3-5 pm refuses to protect Keith re 2 hour interview and forces Keith into GA Region Hospital Atl on false charge of ?incompetent dellusional for 5.5 weeks BECAUSE she and key others are extorted by ROSE and powerful officials to destroy each and all certified irrevocable evidence of publically shown court docs. Each of those involved are protecting WhereisRobertRose.com by deleting all crime investigations. I went to CNN-ATL, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal offices and sat in brief Legislative session Nov 14, 2018 on 100% Direct democracy UNIOCRACY.ORG just updated.
Contact DOJ, DOD, Trump, Congress + Keith's son Kyle Duncan (770)655-5546 IID 1-19870211-1 (integrity Neg 50%) + USA Marine Staff Seargant Matthew Vernon Duncan (770)826-4632 IID 1-19870303-1 (integrity Neg 50%) for them to explain all.
Reach World Evangelist on Landline +(1) 770 998-5644 U HOPE CDC.ORG transitional housing for homeless Atlanta GA men re Keith
Contact FBI Washington and Congressional Investigations to finally identify WHO works for ROSE using FOIA.ONE and EVOTE.ONE. Oct 4-5, 2018 #1 Historical Legendary day. I arrive back in Atlanta to GO Direct TO FBI + AG + PRESS + all churches to proclaim all crime networks are eliminated with ChristDomain.com + SolutionIslam.com = SolutionGOD.ORG teach our world how to live in perfect social peace and total harmony. This is the #1 UNIFICATION REFORM SolutionPeace.com result in World History. Your New Society is free of crime One Intl ID Open Public Database FOIA.ONE 100% Your Decision Based Society Repository to benefit all my people.
eVOTE.ONE Simple By-Pass Laws create new total 100% Social Peace + Justice.
The true reality of above is that anyone who demands privacy and refuses to yield full disclosure is automatically identified as a criminal by order eVOTE of their own citizens. This is the New World Society of UNIocracy.ORG. No more paper fraud elections or ID thefts ever again! No more poverty, war, genocide, hunger, and crimes against humanity. Everyone in world uses their unique Intl ID in block chain Open Public Database FOIA.ONE of WHO is WHO, Who owns What(all assets listed), all elections, decisions of our people, all legal agreements, contracts, bids, Criminal Investigations, and rating system of WHO is 'saved' honest versus unrepentant criminals who are now man hunted by OCTV + eDevices over Free Wifi WorldSchoolFund.com with auto-face recognition gifted to Interpol + World back on Jan 14, 2015. Interpol + all others still REFUSE to respond, which is another true evidence of massive cyber crime infiltrations and the predatory greed of "I don't CARE" brainwashed mentality.
Now anyone can run for any leadership position in any nation independent of birth origin. No Primaries, No billion $$$ campaigns of taxpayer assets, no Media war chests that only profit secret mogul propagandist cabal family dynasties, No political party election manipulation, and No criminal buy-in campaign contributions using Corporate or secret assets + Promises.
Now our entire world becomes one middle class of all small business owners SolutionHousing.ORG that selectively eliminates all 'Criminal Ruling Elite' and prevents all homeless, poverty, hunger, orphans, abuse of children/Seniors/Women/disadvantaged/handicapped/disabled as we all FEARLESSLY Act with AUTHORITY of RIGHTEOUSNESS to Protect the Rights of All Others.
Total world empowerment OF, FOR, and BY all humanity is SolutionManifesto.com Single New World Constitution Charter Laws.
With EVOTE.ONE, will of majority of our people PUT true criminals into Hell-JAIL immediately using SolutionJudge.com that is the ultimate New World Society Judge and Jury system as our people collectively decide WHO are the true unrepentant criminals. Massive reductions in all litigation now that we have enforced integrity by using and showcasing binding contracts to public to prevent con-artists, scammers, and illegal criminal business owners from conducting crime secret enterprises.
NO current system is back traceable to match the REAL person with their actual vote decision. NONE of them. Because each current system demands PRIVATE voting, therefore NO track ability or accountability is possible. At ANY stage of ballot counting and reporting, cyber crime alters the counts. Worse is the political campaign contributions to outspend others. Works every time with smear campaigns that everyone PUKES when they are forced to endure for 3 to 12 months. Profits are the Media moguls who love these rooster COCK-FIGHTS on who has the biggest profit head.... evote.ONE eliminates all ELECTION laws and other loop-hole fraud and follow-on crime situations. Politicians go in wealthy, and come out filthy rich, never on the meager salary they seldom earn. These are SOLVED forever with these most simple profound simple 4 ByLaws that create your new World Society history timelines. Our world is now all middle class small business owners who control and manage all aspects of their own merit based Free world Free travel + trade society with ProfitShareHolders.com FinalStockMarket.com + kBitCoins.ORG
Direct eDemocracy is one person = one vote 100% eDecision Based Society.
No more waiting for days-weeks-months-years for basic services + benefits that are 'wait-listed' DENIED by the worst red paper tape conspiracies that only benefit those who control the criminal processes signed by terrorists (formally known as politicians = public serpents, seldom public servants). All voting of leaders and majority law of number decisions are made with free world-wide WiFi using any eDevice with one degree of separation between all of my +7.6 billion people. Contact all Presidents + Pres. Glenn_Lurie@att.com IseeAtt.com to build new world high speed fiber optic network owned BY, FOR, and OF our people.
Any refusals by any nation leader or corporate executive or Churches to fearlessly protect the rights of all others shall cause the WW4 demise of our world as I (keith brent duncan) has predicted as your #1 key world prophesier educator who fills Evangelist Crusader stadiums with these answers using UNITYurl.com as root method of Solution5sTeps.com
Our entire world society is now run over free MaxWiFi funded by my NGOs, now owned by you, our collective all small business owners of TeenMM.com CEOSpace.net run by UNITYurl.com community decision based meetings.
We become 100% decision based eVOTE.ONE driven society based on Will of Majority of all our people. This is the ONE universal SolutionManifesto.com Constitution Charter that unifies + EMPOWERS all mankind forever.
June 15, 2018 Our New world society is now perfected Augmented Reality. I am final broadcasting to world on Augmented Reality that is FOIA.ONE UNIocracy.ORG all digital society forecast predicted by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Engelbart + myself. Privacy versus Public information is cyber crime (cons)Piracy of Crimes against Humanity. Once our world is connected with one degree of separation, all human knowledge is cross URL linked to quickly eliminate all crime networks by process of exception handling elimination. No secrets ensures no crimes will be committed in secrecy. Collective intelligence cluster networking with Block Chain and other common sense principals of enforced integrity empowers humanity to be all middle class small business owner problem solving collaborative cooperative ministries of UNIocracy.ORG. Using the simple Solution5sTeps.COM methods, any individual and group 'bootstraps' new laws, regulations, process control systems, and other new paradigm answers into standardized mainstream Rules of New World Society Order. The most primal basic law of God's nature is the Rule of Majority of Large numbers. Now +7.6 Billion People own all infrastructure as well as design their very own reality destiny by fast path elimination of all crime, vice, sin, acts of terrorism, etc by teaching our entire world how to 'ACT with Authority to Fearlessly Protect the Rights Of All Others.' This concludes WHY I am Here, and WHO I AM. kbd.
Latest reference on ALL digital New World society forefounded by BuiltByKeith Duncan is https://youtu.be/uDoq4Kefoc0 Title: High Tech Hackers Documentary - Modern Day Hacking Today 2017 - Cyber Crime Biography
PRESS CONFERENCES are required since Nov 2010 visits to Press, Police, IRS, FBI, AG, USMarshals, public for all World Leaders to DEBRIEF each other on the ONLY answer solution methods that resolve and prevent all of mankind's most horrific holocaust crimes against humanity as cyber crime theFinalTerrorist.com is #1 plague of all time that self-genocides humanity because of your greed-sin-vice. The Criminal Ruling Elite want my people enslaved and dead so they conquer GOD's world with demonic New World Order criminal terrorist rulers.
All corrupt Corporate Executives are forever eliminated with ProfitShareHolders.com SolutionBankFraud.com FinalStockMarket.com THESE FOUR simple by-pass laws change world history because they are unbreakable along with famous ChristDomain.com + UNITYURL + SolutionIslam.com and all other systematic LOVE OTHERs answers. Our world must STOP using single word excuses to PREVENT these world class saving answers from becoming THEIR unification single standards THEY eVOTE.one into existence. If they decide to legalize crime, they suffer the consequences. Since the capitalistic branding says 'Drink Responsibly, Gamble responsibly. Have SEX Responsibly.' Soon it will be 'Commit Crimes Responsibly.' Even 'Murder responsibly, just don't leave any evidence behind....''
All these world saving solution methods empower our people to forever control our very own new world society communities that are now free trade/travel and ability to conduct integrity business anywhere in our world using below.
This one world changing answer drives the worlds first and last total unification reform God's Rights activist grassroots movement to forever rid humanity of each predator greed vice, crime, and unlawful acts of criminals who want you DEAD. Simply put...
#1 Most critical as the above do NOT require any ACT of Congress or GOD because these are self-evident to world. Anyone objecting to these final perfected checks and balances automatically identifies themselves as criminally profiteering. Massive reduction of all laws and government-corporate dynasties occurs in record time based on required immediate mass publicity and Press Conferences.
I, keith brent duncan (DOB 1958-Aug-15 High Point NC USA), have legally CLAIMED 1% of all crime assets seized using these most prolific answers to SOLVE all CRIMES and PREVENT all future occurrences in record time. Each of You legally claim % of all crime assets as you face recognize criminals w/ free WiFi URLiDent.com as these 4 bypass laws change all world history !
Take Action by going Public to all News Media, Government, Military, religions, and communities today with the fearless authority granted to all +7.5 Billion my people by the one Fore-Founding FatherKeith.com who is the most humble master educator technologist crime-resolver architect consultant of all time.
Use BidOnKeith.com today. No more crime investigations needed as my-our people pass evidence judgment on the true criminals and terrorists in URLiDent.com single open public 'Most Wanted' database. Our world now becomes 100% citizen decision driven by EVOTE.ONE 4 bypass laws that eliminate almost all crime investigations, destroy all dynasties, and empower humanity to control and manage all their worldly assets owned by them. This destroys forever the criminal ruling elite and prevents all poverty with SolutionHousing.ORG and MaryRights.com perfected in GOD's name to unify reform all humanity one last testament time. Each + every Blinded fool who refuses to unify faces their own Judgment day now with URLiDent.
Feb 11-17, 2018 Today, I went BACK to PIA and personally gave their news director EVOTE.ONE to give to Secretary Martin Andanar who does all of President Duterte News releases. Harry Roque is also Key person to be Internationally FAMOUS for going LIVE with PRESS Conferences and FINDING me to be on INTL broadcasts. Same has also applied to ALL WORLD LEADERS as I have already been in direct contact with tens of thousands for now +10 years of PURE HELL because of ROSE and because I am indeed, God's Son of Humanity. I directly broadcast to AtlanticPhilanthropies.org Charles Feeny as well as Bill Gates / Warren Buffet + world at the GivingPledge.ORG. Even Richard Branson and all other prime world entrepreneur Philanthropists will form our new The Elders group with Jimmy Carter and Andrew J Young + other integrity driven world leaders to create Final ERA3 New World Society that is our last paperless Open Digital Public Database forum. NO secrets means no crimes or resulting mass poverty, wars, energy shortages, and even no more Mass Genocide orchestrated and planned for decades by the unknown Criminal Elite. This was always my true destiny in life.
I return to USA + travel to your nation as your Intl Hero Sovereign Ambassador, once everyone crowd funds our growing International teams using section BELOW or clicking upper RIGHT FUND button. Everyone now must manhunt + seize all world criminals and their crime assets. Watch: https://youtu.be/-0BOgxtr8dk https://youtu.be/WLVyaoT-_Rw
Here is EXACTLY what will happen as of Jan 9, 2018. This would have occurred Sept 26, 2011 Langley VA, Air Force Base.
1. ROSE, Ms. Bashama, + all others tied to ROSE by their very own evidence/signatures are immediately SEIZED and their assets turned over to keith brent duncan.
2. USA GOV hosts PRESS Conferences and goes WITH Keith's teams to eradicate all other crime networks using these most effective and only common sense use of Integrity based CopyRight Intellectual Property methodology.
3. Public decides the Real and Punitive damages the USA GOV and each criminal pays back to Keith as restitution for Real and Punitive damages. Over $500 Million USD is easy to seize to repay back to Keith for the list of felony crimes committed since NO honest person has yet to be found who enforces existing Constitutional or local laws. No criminal or terrorist will survive these manhunts after they refuse to surrender themselves and identify each of there Other Victims.
4. World leaders convene on emergency Round Table Summit basis to merge all nations into one UNIocracy new world society by engaging the top level intellectual minds to roadmap the fast path transition to our new UNIONISM humanity using the original Commandments + 10 other migration commands of SolutionManifesto.com Anyone objecting must provide a best answer solution or they are banished from participation using these New Rules of Duncan's Order.
The USA Gov has never had any excuse to NOT put +100 criminals based on only their own signed confession evidence. The Next Ground Zero is the next terrorist cyber attack or man made disaster used to cover up the crimes against humanity of ROSE and other criminal ruling elite. Doomsday WW4 occurs by refusals to use these solutions in GODs own name !
eVote.com is the only answer-solution to forever remove all black market criminal terrorists, 'satanic dynasty' corrupt politicians and corporate executives, and command all leaders to fearlessly protect the rights of all others with the authority granted to each of my 7.5 billion people using free WiFi = Internet, eDevices, OCTV=Open Circuit-Court TV, and systematic extermination of all secrets. ALL criminal wealth will be seized by SolutionUNI.com, SolutionMilitary.com and SolutionPeace.com overseen by all NGO, non- profits, and religious denominations. FatherKeith.com has been the most severely persecuted son of humanity since he represents the Sovereign Rights of all mankind and our One Mutual Creator who resides as part of your communities of faith, grace, love, and caring for each other.
Simple required minor funding to WesternUnion.com, name: Keith Duncan, city: Amulung Philippines. Send confirm # by calling Keith or email to: GodSendKeith@gmail.com Each funder/church will get CreatorKeith.com certified stock worth Millions once USA Gov + others use any of these answers and BidOnKeith.com You are now our recruited new teams.
TAKE ACTION today to overthrow all criminal lunatics forever. Any refusal identifies who are the true profiteering criminals. Support FatherKeith and his growing International teams of UNITYurl.com by GOING PUBLIC to COMMAND ACTION by all others. Our world collapses for their failures to TAKE ACTION by using these Solution Final answer methods in common international dialogue language of GlobalPeace.org
I, keith brent duncan (DOB 1958-Aug-15 High Point NC USA), have legally CLAIMED 1% of all crime assets seized using these most prolific answers to SOLVE all CRIMES and PREVENT all future occurrences in record time. Each of You legally claim % of all crime assets as you face recognize criminals w/ free WiFi URLiDent.com as these 4 bypass laws change all world history !
eVOTE.one = SolutionGovernment INTL translations are at this safe PDF link:
Arabic https://www.dropbox.com/s/jf8n3qkyf8ogbun/SG-ArabicSolutionGovernment-UNITYurl-BBK20150813.pdf?dl=0
China https://www.dropbox.com/s/gmp79u5fsajoulc/SG-ChineseSolutionGovernment-UNITYurl-BBK20150813.pdf?dl=0
French https://www.dropbox.com/s/ln0we2ea25n2tec/SG-FrenchSolutionGovernment-UNITYurl-BBK20150813.pdf?dl=0
German https://www.dropbox.com/s/n12hkuffqr5lgcz/SG-GermanSolutionGovernment-UNITYurl-BBK20150813.pdf?dl=0
Hebrew https://www.dropbox.com/s/invsvxih46mkyi6/SG-HebrewSolutionGovernment-UNITYurl-BBK20150813.pdf?dl=0
Hindi https://www.dropbox.com/s/6rxud6wnyi6c3sc/SG-HindiSolutionGovernment-UNITYurl-BBK20150813.pdf?dl=0
Italian https://www.dropbox.com/s/9wso876asoqh2i3/SG-ItalianSolutionGovernment-UNITYurl-BBK20150813.pdf?dl=0
Japan. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xkginq3tql5aev8/SG-Japan-MasterBBK20151015-UNIocracy.pdf?dl=0
Malayan https://www.dropbox.com/s/jae356u0g0z6x7n/SG-MaylaySolutionGovernment-UNITYurl-BBK20160118.pdf?dl=0
Philippine https://www.dropbox.com/s/wwppw0i1e5t7anc/SG-PhilipphineSolutionGovernment-UNITYurl-BBK20150813.pdf?dl=0
Portugal https://www.dropbox.com/s/gmegqaeqcpzsm14/SG-PortugueseSolutionGovernment-UNITYurl-BBK20150813.pdf?dl=0
Spanish https://www.dropbox.com/s/upq60ywz9rrhkut/SG-SpanishSolutionGovernment-UNITYurl-BBK20150813.pdf?dl=0
Everyone: Act with Fearless Authority for the Benefits of all Others. This will result in the total Unification of our entire world with one degree of separation between all of humanity. Command government leaders deploy SolutionGovernment.com or be shunned by society as self-entitling criminal kingdom builders. This is easy to accomplish when everyone unites with FOIA.ONE is UNITYurl and forms their own community cooperative non profit ministries chapters of UNIocracy.org
RIOTS, MARTIAL LAW, and Collapse of society will begin if Public, officials + Press do NOT respond and debrief Keiths growing prime Intl Consultant teams. Thousands/millions/billions will understand exactly WHO I AM as the #1 top Anti-Crime Evangelist Broadcast Author-Inventor Crusader of all time. Use BidOnKeith.com to ratify and verify your own organizations integrity driven mandates. PhilippineJury.com DaisyABH2@Gmail.com (63)2-294-9994 is part of the divined methods to EMPOWER all our people.
EVOTE.ONE is updated with this FINAL world broadcast Evangelist history changing descriptions of HOW this works.
1. With OCTV (Open Circuit TV), all 7.5 billion people can use their free wifi eDevices to cable TV style selector OBSERVE and LISTEN to any criminal proceeding, ANY Corporate Board Meeting, ANY law maker session, ANY town hall meeting, ANY church or other OPEN PUBLIC meeting. Every important transaction is safe vaulted in URLiDent.com to prevent secrets from being held hostge.
2. If the online voters (or even later replay voters) feel they are affected or want to PASS JUDGMENT (the most common human condition), they all use eVOTE.ONE to identify exactly WHO they are (including recorded use on URLiDent.com and SolutionBankFraud.com) and they VOTE.
A. Pass the law-bill-issue / Let them go registered by your vote shown to public.
B. Delay -need more information, proceed with testimony/arguments. VOTERS-CITIZENS can even post Questions and arguments.
C. Throw the bill OUT / CONVICT THEM by your registered vote shown to public.
The most specific New World Society Checks and Balance design is on other world broadcast viral social media that requires our re-emerging teams to explain how our entire world benefits by using these new manifesto charters of ultimate World Peace Keepers.
With SolutionGovernment.com (defunct) and Interpol URLiDent.com standardized international unified referential integrity normalized database, no criminal can survive the face recognition and bio-metrics tracking conducted by all citizens. Very little government agencies and officials will ever be needed because OCTV (Open Circuit TeleVision) is live streamed to all eDevices worn by all citizens worldwide. (PhoneCradle.com IcStand.com TurnOffLights.com). All citizens now eVote judgment on all others using bio-metrics of themselves and those who are guilty versus innocent eliminating almost all Liar-Lawyers who conduct criminal terrorist cyber attacks.
Everyone CONTACT AG ,FBI, IRS, law enforcement, Press, Churches with focus on all Presidents, Military, FBI Andrew McCabe and AG Jeff Sessions with Military/CIA/HLS/NSA + all world leaders and law enforcement contacting Keith today. Everyone CONTACT INTERPOL and DEMAND they actually do FOLLOW-UP as they have been criminally infiltrated also. Find the honest persons to call Keith Duncan to be world partners in your new world Society UNIocracy.com = Paradise of Gods Heaven.
Contact BidOnKeith.com Duncan today. These are the most profound and powerful solutions to UNIFY all mankind. EVOTE.ONE below teaches all how to forever remove all criminal profiteering starting with treating all leaders as Highly Paid Consultants who are eVote told top priorities with 100% visibility of all taxes, bids, contracts, infrastructure plans, money transfers, and who profits at all levels by SERVING and PROTECTING all my 7.5 billion people. When my people 'RISE UP', trillions of $$$ will be legally seized from criminals by military + whistle blowers / victims and used to finance building new self reliant communities using SolutionHousing.com and WorldSchoolFund.com Contact Keith + Noel Nobel (63) 975-025-3500 for National TV Press Conferences, interviews, and resulting world wide summit/ Press Conferences / conclaves / meetings with top world leaders at gov, corporations, law enforcement, Military, churches, and community levels to UNIFY mankind using the prime and only arbitration solution of UnityURL.com in every village worldwide. This restores GOD's paradise of Heaven back here on Earth once all mankind fearlessly protects the rights of all others by banishing crime networks. This is with use of ChristDomain.com SolutionIslam.com = SolutionGod.com to the Glory of GOD and all Humanity.
Send world Evangelist Crusader Public support today with:
Contract BidOnKeith.com directly by legally binding enforced contract, OR
WesternUnion.com, name: Keith Duncan, city: Amulung Philippines. Send confirm # by calling Keith or email to: SolutionManifesto@gmail.com
BitCoins COINS.PH to kduncan2005@gmail.com 639173354300
BPIexpressOnline.com BPI ATM prepaid Account 4537 5675 0003 2281. On BPI express machine, select Bill Payment, Other Merchants, then above account # with your support.
Philippines can use Global.com.ph GCASH sent directly to Keith's cell 639173354300.
FaceBook.com/BuiltByKeith to unify all of mankind with your kind help and direct support of your New World Society. Refusals allow these crime networks to flourish and destroy us since AntiChrists exist to enslave your world.
No one else has ever accepted this GODly designated Sovereign Ambassador Position in recent times. Taking ACTION by recontacting the most powerful Gov, Press, Churches, Corporations is the only way to Empower all Keith's people to destroy all crime networks as this is what all great fore-founders have done since the dawn of man. The following steps are the ONLY way to prevent humanity from self-genocide by hands of Satanic forces like ROSE. Refusals to use these absolute IseeJustice.com is a crime, plain and simple. UNIFICATION of ALL MANKIND occurs when EVERYONE goes PUBLIC with the answers shown below.
Friday, July 19. General Padilla PNP 'FAKE' cell (63)926-077-9448 called Keith inviting him to meet President Duterte ASEAN Aug 8 as his guest and that PNP would fund Keith's growing PEACE MAKER groups. No response since then, which is the #1 most common result of these world changing solutions going DIRECT to all world leaders, Congress, Law enforcement, Corporations, Public, and well over 300 top church leaders world wide. Call Keith to find out why. EVERYONE in WORLD can see that Keith is the top anti-crime God's rights activist since birth Aug 15, 1958.
Wed May 31, 2017 Key Comlecs and Duterte top officials were directly contacted and visited to request they become national heroes for simple interviews and Press Conferences to educate our world on these ONLY solution answer cascading methods that free our world of all corruption and black market crime enterprises.
When $400 $800 USD reached, I fly BACK to USA to personally raise armies of THOUSANDS to REPLACE our existing corrupt systems at all levels. My Church lead crusaders will easily arrest 75 to 100 super criminals + terrorists with Press, FBI, AG, Military alongside my thousands of persons who clearly SEE I am fore founding father of their very own New World Society UNIocracy.com I have less than $2 USD left to my access after being brutally vindictive persecuted by ROSE and criminals INSIDE USA Gov since Nov 4, 2007 per IRSWBFeb2009,658 and Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 terrorist attacks of AgileLaw.com and AG fired Sally Yates per Forsyth County GA USA judgment 08SC-1345 held HostageForProfit.com for now +9 years. Contacting the #1 top anti-crime/politic God's rights activists is required.
All by will of the majority of MY people on line over FREE INTERNET. This is the ultimate Checks and balances. Anyone making a 'BAD or GOOD' decision is now shown to the world in the write ONCE and READ public database. Anyone submitting false evidence or just STUPID arguments (cynics, fools, hypocrites), is NOW shown to world for libel, slander, or even CRIMES of FALSE WITNESS.
Our entire world now has ONE degree of Separation where EVERYONE knows the TRUST rating of every other person on earth.
This one database is now the ultimate lookup open public un-hackable search engine that allows anyone to identify and even search for others who can provide them services and goods. It is also now the ultimate FREE TRADE MARKET, FREE TRAVEL authentication.
This completes the ANSWERS to our entire world as being UNBREAKABLE as NO one can HACK this ONE URLiDent.com Database and GO UNDETECTED. If they TRY, the open source software immediately IDENTIFIES the INTRUSION, back tracks the IP source, shows the authentication sequence of the INTRUDER, and notifies the WORLD, HERE IS THE CROOK. No more cyber crime terrorists will ever exist since I have just Bannished all criminals to HELL-JAIL, DEATH ROW, or forced them to live in OCTV monitored SLUMS they helped create.
NO escape from these true MOMENTS of REVELATION JUSTICE that are exactly WHAT CHRIST and GOD did all alone and ALL ALONG.
Repost this since I truly am so, so, so tired of repeating the ONLY answers to almost ALL of HUMANITIES problems......
This is why I, keith duncan, have legally CLAIMED 1% of all crime assets seized using these most prolific answers to SOLVE all CRIMES and PREVENT all future occurrences in record time. Each of You legally claim % of all crime assets you identify as you are world based citizen whistleblowers. Therefore very little Police or military are needed. Almost all Liar-Lawyers are put out to pasture as dinosar relics as we wash the sin out of Washington and all other government and corporate entities. All that has ever been required is FULL SCALE ASSAULT publicity. All 'saved' criminals who testify will destroy all other criminal networks to save their skins from DEATH ROW and Prisons that are unloaded by original HelpInmates.com Not a 'DAMN' soul or my very own churches have ever lifted a single finger to help the single Man of True GOD FatherKeith.com This includes NAMB.NET and thousands of Pastors, Priests, Imans, Sheiks, Ministers I have personally met and ministered the True Words of GOD and mankind to LOVE and CARE for each OTHER.
Tom is the young, now 34? man who rode with me in a steel prison subcontractor van for 5 straight Days Oct 25-30, 2011 back and forth across USA about 5,000 miles 24x7 no rest, no sleep, 110 degrees inside with 8 men shackled hand and feet. the start of the most extreme demonic crime sprees the world has ever seen. SKY Darmos is in China. The other TWO TOMS I emailed are also KEY to world UNIFICATION. Tom Grundy is owner of Hong Kong Free Press and told me 2 years ago to GET LOST , as HE was too busy teaching CHINA and world HOW to do the following. He too SHOULD BE ASHAMED that he was so blinded by GREED and self-entitlement that he did not even sit down with me to HEAR anything about ANYTHING at all. He thinks he also, KNOWS it ALL......
Top Criminal Terrorists are Robert Dee Rose (DOB 1971-April-01), Cobb County GA USA DA Berry Vic Reynolds TPO 11.1.1171.99, fired DOJ AG Sally Yates per Norfolk VA 4:11cr112, Judge Thurman Jackson, AUSAG Dee.Sterling@usdoj.gov, and all others shown to world on Kshama.me, TheFinalTerrorist.com, PCTerror.com, ManHuntRose.com, etc. as ROSE has $2 Million USD Bounty from IRSWBFeb2009,658. Ms. Bashama $10K USD bounty, and all others have 10% bounty from their criminal lifetime assets seized by our people. Our entire world conducts public surveillance of everyone else using wearable eDevices and MySnapCam.com style technology.
Keith has legally claimed 100% of criminal assets of all tied to ROSE by their own signatures and 1% of all world criminal assets seized by our people to be used to self fund your new world society UNIocracy.com. This is the only world solution to unify mankind with one degree of separation when all citizens control and manage all decisions and the actions of their highly paid consultant leadership representatives. NO SECRETS = NO CRIMES = Total World Peace and Harmony.
75,000 shares of CreatorKeith.com INC common stock are available for qualified and vetted investors through CEOSpace.net who receives 90% of first $1 Billion USD profits with their Saved City Las Vegas shown on final last testimony World Magna Charter www.SolutionManifestor.com.
NewZion2.com architects the planned new government campus for our new World Congress that also uses SolutionUNI.com to forever rid our world of all political wars and holocaust conditions.
Borders and trade restrictions as well as Politics in all forms will cease to exist because all crime black market enterprises and plans for any overthrow of our people will be forever demolished and obliterated by direct visibility of the majority of the will of all people using these prime eVoting DB.
This is the world citizen controlled artificial intelligence of the 'HIVE' principle that is the basic foundation genesis of how any species grows and thrives. Since humanity is the only species who commit self-genocide and foster psychopath sociopath criminals like Robert Dee Rose, this has always been the true alpha and omega outcome of the world ministries of the one humble fore-founding father author of http://www.UNIocracy.com cross referenced on BuiltByKeith.com
Indeed, no one person in the history of mankind has ever architect a near perfect system of self-correcting checks and balances that total ensures the cooperative ministries of all of mankind actually working TOGETHER to achieve the NEXT level of human evolution, the explore of space.
This is clearly the most powerful set of solution answers that solve the myriad of humanity problems and world conflicts at a basic human psychology level. Contact BidOnkeith.com to help teach anyone how to solve any issue in record time in order to literally save yourselves the grief of being slave traded by the truly insane 'Criminal Ruling Elite.' Warranty bidding starts at $10,000 USD for each initial engagement anywhere in the world to any Military, Government, Corporation, Church, NGO, non-profit, or wealthy individuals who strive to unify our entire world as partners with
Keith Duncan, the one humble servant of all of mankind who teaches all how to LOVE and CARE
EVote.one is one simple central world ONE voting system for all community town hall forums, any Business meeting, any courtroom, any ProfitShareHolders.com meetings, any school, literally anytime a positive forward decision collectively benefits the group using the simple common sense KeithsRulesOfOrder.com and 5Steps.space visual decision matrix recording systems.
These all rewrite Gods World History left behind as Legacy Heritage once and forever.
Find ProphetKeith.com Duncan today and protect our lives. SolutionPeace2020@gmail.com
We have offered to SELL this system to all world Governments and Corporations for obvious reasons.
Starting BID is $1 Billion USD for regional and national rights use of Evote.one Gods design todirect fund all other aspects of Gods UNIocracy.org perfect systems. This will include fast path deployment.
This one Ordained GOD delivered system replaces ALL voting systems known to man at all levels. With use of ONE International ID at FOIA.ONE, all cyber hacks and ID theft fraud crimes are forever prevented ancient Keiths procreated systems starting with SolutionBankFraud.com
Skype: TeenMM, On Emergency basis, Call TOP PRESS MEDIA right now. Contact DOD, DOJ, FBI Chris Wray, AG Merrick Garland, Trump/Biden/ literally everyone to PRO-CREATE GODS paradigm Tech Shift.
These are the Only Solution Sets to create Global Peace. Command World leaders contact us now.
This system is the most powerful viral world social media campaign once you our people take ACTION.
This is the ordained Clearinghouse to teach humanity how to obtain everlasting world peace.
eVote.one Aug 14, 2021. This one simple system is 100% direct decision eDemocracy as WE Gods people decide everything at OUR community level. Elimination of all world governments and mega Corpoate executive GREEDY embezzlers of GOD wealth was always the focus of Our Guardian Angels Trust Foundation seen at Creatorkeith.com We Gods People bring anyone to Justice, including exiling them to N. Korea or NYC Cry Baby Wailing Wall Street regardless of their wealth and hidden secret Lucifer agendas. WE track THEM as they are required to now have embedded RFID chips and cell phones so we can all see them anytime and know what our leaders are doing on our behalf 24x7. Privacy is only demanded by those who have criminal history.
These 8 New Universal Constitutional Laws solves ALL worlds Basic Predatory Greed issues at one time. WE GODS people use 5Steps.space to solve all basic issues once and forever real-time automatic ways and means self balancing system. Eliminates the NWO Central Authority from 5500, then 3400 years MOSES time ago
Keith Duncan has Diplomatic Sovereign Immunity with GOD and you from all Prosecution/Persecution.
Click: 8 Evote.one New World By-Laws and Constitutional Laws REFORM all humanity
EVote.ONE drives UNIocracy.org PeaceSummit2020.com May 1, 2021 Peace World President Leader Televised Conclave we mediate with all Executive presidents and Corp Leaders as the worlds last Open Public Direct Decision based society.
We GODs people evote CONTROL who are the Corporate Executives and the few GOV top officials who work as highly paid consultants. Any list of people can run for any office as all primary conventions and political ad campaigns are outlawed as null and voided. Book Keith PeaceSummit2020.com Forums now.
eVote empowers +7.8 billion GODs people to decide everything about everyone = AI GOD FOIA.ONe
UNIocracy.org is the ONLY ordained divined education system to UNIFY our entire human race forever Orders of WE GODs People so now we migrate transfer tens of millions of wealthy elite to places of greatest needs to be SPENDERS who build infrastructure owned and controlled by the local communities of Keith..
Update April 23, 2021. We are crowdfunding to emergency return to testify now. Requires only $10,000 USD now.
1. Testify TO WITH FBI AG in Atlanta/Washington and simple TURNOVER over of everything regarding ROBERT DEE ROSE, clearly enemy of STATE for infiltrating well over 300 Mega Millionaire Corporate Executive homes starting with UPS executive Mike Briggs of Cumming GA and Atty Alexander Cyclone Covey of Agilelaw.com
2. Host Press CONFERENCES with WORLD presidents and World Corporate Executives fully focused on NEW WORLD REALITY of UNIocracy.org. This replaces all known forms of GOVERNMENTS and MEGA CORPORATE BY-LAWs so WE GODS people now control and manage all aspects of OUR local communities while redistributing over $400 TRILLION USD of Criminal assets to third and fourth world nations who have been impoverished BECAUSE of the NWO criminal ruling elite the past 500 years starting back in Martin Luther era 1493 caused by violators of HUMAN RIGHTS in the Roman Catholic Church system.
Keiths DIRECT CELL is now +1 725-200-7683. PeaceSummit2020@gmail.com